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January 15, 2011



Indian Congress founded in 1886 was dilly dallying between Dominion status, which meant independence with a common king and independence with no such binding to a titular head. Only in 1930 it ended its vacillation and proclaimed independence as its goal. After independence the purpose for which Congress party came to the scene had successfully accomplished. Dr.Ambedkar said “Congress was like an army recruited not for the purpose of carrying on Parliamentary democracy, but for the purpose of carrying on political warfare against a foreign government. Seeing this Mr. Gandhi very wisely suggested that the Congress be dissolved and new political parties on party lines are formed for conducting the Government. But leaders of the party were ready in their tents with their clothes to take in their hands the reins of the Government. They refused to listen to Mr. Gandhi’s advice.

Q: Why Gandhi wanted the dissolution of the Congress once India obtained independence? What made Gandhi suggest the dissolution of the Congress party?

A: Andhra leader T.Prakasam went on collecting donations from people and in many meetings purse was handed over to him, which became a debatable topic in the media. Mahatma Gandhi without naming anyone in general wrote against the practice of receiving purses from people in his magazine Harijan. Sardar Vallababhai Patel wrote angrily to Mr.T.Prakasam and sought explanation. Patel wrote it will set a bad precedent. Mr.T.Prakasam replied that people willfully contributed to compensate his sacrifices during freedom movement. Since Mahatama Gandhi condemned strongly Mr.T.Prakasam handed over the money collected into the coffers of the Congress party. Mahatma Gandhi wanted to write calling for expulsion of Mr.T.Prakasam but was persuaded to drop that idea by Jawaharlal Nehru and Patel. Konda Subba Rao, the whistle blower who brought out this corrupt practice also wrote to Congress President Rajendra Prasad. Congress President asked Congress Secretary Shankar Rao Dev to probe the charges against Former Chief Minister T.Prakasam and then Chief Minister Kumarasamy Raja. Since he could not decide the matter it was handed over to a three member committee comprising Jawaharlal Nehru, Rajendra Prasad and Sardar Patel, who exonerated Mr.T.Prakasam and let off other Ministers since they were not in office and thus closed the chapter in February of 1950.

This one case itself justified the suggestion of Mahatma Gandhi that Congress should be disbanded. Corruption was a matter for party to decide and exonerate. This golden rule enunciated by Nehruvian years was sincerely followed till SG scam era. Sorry 2G scam era under Sonia Gandhi’s puppets governing India is what led to SG scam, Sonia Gandhi scams.

The Public Accounts Committee which unearthed the Jeep Scam of then Defense Minister Krishna Menon, in its 9th report , told the matter must be handed over to a single or plural judge and the Nehru led Government of the day wrote on 1954 December 18 to the Public Accounts Committee and urged to reconsider its suggestion for judicial probe. When the Public Accounts Committee stood firm, the Government of the day closed that file.

Thus Congress set another bad precedent by throwing the Report of the Public Accounts Committee into dustbin and made mockery of Parliamentary democracy.

In the famous Mundra scam, the enquiry commission headed by Justice Chagla indicted Finance Minister Mr.T.T.Krishnamachariar and he had to resign, and while accepting his resignation Jawaharlal Nehru gave TTK a conduct certificate hailing his cleanliness, thus brushing aside a Report of an Enquiry Commission. Thus Congress set up a third precedent to throw enquiry commission reports into archives, which resulted in all political leaders inducted by subsequent enquiry commissions getting away without punishment.

Hence Mahatma Gandhi’s timely warning to disband Congress as soon as independence was attained assumes significance.

Q: Nira Radia is now famous, Win Chadha was lobbyist in Bofors deal, and the role of lobbyists wont end, Bofors story has lesions to recall how it was clinched. Tell what happened in Bofors era, keeping aside 2G era for few minutes away from your memory?

A: Let me quote with due thanks to legal luminary Ram Jethmalani {Deccan Chronicle 8th June 2005]: “Defence Secretary Bhatnagar had several meetings, the first of which was on June 7, 1984. There were 4 competing suppliers in the field –Sweden, United Kingdom, France and Austria. Naturally all these suppliers could not be present in person to participate in the negotiations with the Government of India”. All of them acted through one or the other agent. Only the British Government was negotiating through its High Commission.

These countries had Consulate, Embassy or High Commission, then why did they engage agents, you need not break your head, Congress culture of governance needs greasing so many palms, and to do that dirty job agents were chosen, who are capable of exploiting all the weaknesses of our bureaucrats from lowest to the top echelons. It took a heroine like Nirra Radia to expose this kind of governance.

“Offers were invited in sealed covers by July 23 of 1984. After negotiating committee held 14 meetings only by February 28 of 1985, final decision could be arrived. On that day Army short listed French Sofma gun and Swedish Bofors gun. On May 1985 Defence Secretary Bhatnagar summoned the representatives of the 4 suppliers and told them that Government of India does not want any Indian agents to be involved in the negotiations, and whatever amounts are being paid to Indian agents by the supplier should be reflected in the reduced prices. Till that time Bofors was represented by their Indian agent Mr. Win Chadha, originally an accused, but who died during the proceedings. No decision was taken even up to the 18th meeting of the negotiating committee which took place on December 1985. However the Army on February 18th of 1986 informed the negotiating committee its technical opinion in favor of Bofors gun. At the 20th meeting of the negotiating committee letter of intent was issued to Bofors on March 14 of 1986. Few days before that on March 10th of 1986 in a confirmation letter stated “We hereby confirm that we do not have any representative / agent specially employed in India for this project.”  Indian Prime Minister Mr.Rajiv Gandhi who attended the funeral of Swedish Prime Minister Olaf Palme announced the decision to buy Bofors gun on that occasion.


Q:  Rajiv Gandhi cautiously avoided Indian agents but under Manmohan Singh’s rule lobbyists thrive, and his government taps conversation, makes selective leaks to gain bargaining power for electoral alliances, and works for corporate welfare, how do you substantiate?

A: The basic price of Petrol is only Rs 28.93, whereas excise duty of Rs 14.35, plus education tax of 0.43, dealer’s commission of Rs.1.05, customs duty for crude oil Rs 1.1, VAT Rs 5.5, and customs duty on petrol Rs.1.54, Transport Rs 6.00 makes up the figure of Rs 58.90 per litre in India.  In 2008 when petrol was sold at Rs 50.64, in Australia equivalent of Rs Rs.31.99, Canada Rs 31.42, Pakistan Rs 36.09, in USA Rs 17.57, Malaysia Rs 30.12, Saudi Arabia Rs 5.71, UAE Rs 15.95,New Zealand Rs 32.28, Qatar Rs 9.82, Bahrain Rs 9.57 were the prices of per litre of petrol.

In 2010 Malaysia reduces petrol price from Rs.30.12 per litre to Rs.20.99 and our neigbour Pakistan reduces from Rs 36.09 to Rs 31.43. The incompetent unintelligent Finance Ministers of these countries are reducing the burden on the consumer and Indian Finance Minister Pranab Mukerjee in this year imposed import duty and excise duty, further thrown out petroleum prices from government control to the play of market prices. This had hiked petrol price, is one side of the story.

Comparing to other countries corporates in India pay less to government to plunder natural resources like gas whereas consumer, the citizen, so called Supreme power in a democracy is burdened. That is why Sunday Indian’s Editor Arindham Choudry says ours is not democracy but demonocracy. American President Obama had said what exists in America is not people’s democracy but corporate democracy.

After 2G scam of so called 1.76,000 crore unruly scenes were witnessed in Orissa Assembly over 3, 00,000 crore mining scam. Supreme Court raised the issue of how out of 341 mines 215 are without valid lease or rights are operating in Orissa. Union Government headed by Manmohan Singh and managed by Pranab Mukerjee cannot brush this 3, 00,000 crore mining scam as that happened under Biju Janata Dal rule.

 As per government estimates there are 15,000 mines operating illegally in various states of India with only 8700 legally functioning mines. The loot out of these mines yet to be computed, and in our country .By illegal mining corporates mint millions whereas consumers bear the brunt of price rise. If these looters were taxed and if those taxes are in proportion to their earning we need not hike petrol prices or other essentials.

The iron ore exported by the year 2000-2001 was around Rs 358 crores whereas by 2008-2009 it went up to 21,725 crores. One ton of iron ore was exported from 6000 to 7000 depending upon its grade. The Lok Ayuktha of Karnataka Justice Santhosh Hegde found out that government was getting royalty of Rs 16 to Rs 27 per ton. In 2004, low grade iron ore per ton royalty to Karnataka Government was Rs 4, high grade ore fetched Rs 27 per ton. As per Karnataka government estimates extraction of per ton iron ore costs Rs 150. Even if transport of Rs 250 is added plus royalty of Rs 27, at port the price per ton was Rs 427, whereas export price was equal to Rs 7000. Government was only getting Rs 27 per ton allowing Reddy brothers to pocket huge profits. Santhosh Hegde brought this out. The Planning Commission of India woke up to this loot in 2005 and suggested that at least 10 percent of export price should be taxed. The Manmohan Singh’s clean government waited for 3 years thinking how to subvert this suggestion of the Planning Commission. The Ministry accepted the proposal mooted by Planning Commission in 2009 August, but with a tactic. Government appointed Indian Bureau of Mines to fix the export price in order to calculate taxable royalty.  Those officials fixed for low/high grades export price at Rs 1760 and 1949, when actual exports were ranging between 6000 to 7000. To fix 10 percent of royalty for Rs 1760 and 1949 super brain of Pranab Mukerjee got immense satisfaction. Even a child knows that exports are made under Letters of Credit and once loaded in ship, the bill of lading is given and these documents are produced in banks to negotiate bills. If an idiot like me was Finance Minister, I would have ordered for 10 percent deduction for royalty when banks negotiate bills. Ordinary citizen’s taxes could be deducted, but how can corporate be deducted, this government may argue. There is no export duty for minerals but import duty for petroleum products. If this being the case petrol prices have to go up, onion prices should have wings to fly in sky, and our economist Manmohan Singh will be proud of his governance.

Gandhi a prophet wanted Congress to be dismantled, and we are paying the price since his own party had become a puppet of plunderers and profiteers in the corporate world.

N.Nandhivarman, General Secretary, Dravida Peravai

Posted by dravidaperavai at 6:31 PM
Post Comment | Permalink
May 20, 2009




Dravida Peravai General Secretary N.Nandhivarman suggests that Tamil Diaspora must set up the Tamil Eelam Government in Exile with the support of nations sympathetic to Tamils cause, and cites precedents to generate fresh thinking in these troubled times. Earlier too after the fall of Killinochi, Nandhivarman through Tamil had recalled the fall of France during the Second World War to the Nazi forces, and urged like Charles De Gaulle a leader of Tamils among Tamil Diaspora can establish a Government in exile and regain the lost homeland. His views on current situation follow:

The day Jesus was crucified could have been a day of celebration for his enemies on par with the day of celebrations witnessed in Srilanka for crucifying the leader of the Tamil freedom struggle. Though the end of the supreme leader is yet to be confirmed, the lives of every single Tamil freedom fighter and that of thousands of children and women uprooted in their traditional homeland getting crushed under the genocidal war machine of Srilanka could also be termed as crucifixion of Tamil race. We all know the cross where Jesus was nailed is a more powerful weapon which established a world wide religion to carry on his mission. Tamils of Tamil Eelam are now transnational citizens living across the continents, and in their hands remains the resurrection of the freedom struggle,


Political scientists term the globalization as one that leads to death of the nation. Some others predict that in future city states will be the order of the day. Tamils are now focusing their minds on how best they can define their transnational status. Indian citizens who live in other countries are bestowed with dual nationality status. Similar to that ,Tamils should also be citizens of a Transnational State of Tamil Eelam and citizens of whichever country they live or opted to live. It is high time world recognizes a state without borders to preserve the language, culture and liberty of people uprooted from their traditional homeland. It will be a far fetched scheme or day dream to others who hear the Tamils demand for first time.


To fit the long term goal of Tamils to get back their lost homeland of Tamil Eelam with the support of the nations on earth or to remain forever in the lands of their current domicile, thought could be given to give concrete shape to create a Transnational State for Eelam Tamils. It will be like a state in space or like a virtual state in cyberspace, in no way infringing the governance of existing nations on earth.


Tamils dreamland is a homeland on Earth. Jews had their dream till they attained Israel, but that dream is born out of never healing wounds that continue to bleed over the annals of  two nations crossing swords without cessation of hostilities. Tamils being the peace loving citizens, who were driven by historical accidents to wield weapons to protect their soil and its people from ongoing genocide that had past half a century, are now at historical cross roads. Their protests had awaken the nations to their plight. Sympathetic voices and moral support from all men of conscience is offering them solace in this grave hour, when their kinsmen in the battlefields of Tamil Eelam have laid their lives for a just cause.


The panacea offered by Srilankan President will never resolve the ethnic conflict neither the peanuts offered by him will grant a life with dignity to the Tamil Eelam people. The thought of Eelam Tamils forced to slavery as Negroes once were subjected is not a false alarm. By his own actions Srilankan President will prove that he wants Tamil subjugation only and never is for devolution or decentralization or democracy with decency in the island.


Hence Dravida Peravai appeals to the leaders of USA, UK, and France and of the European Union and to Norway which is sympathetic to Tamils to permit Tamil Diaspora to launch a Tamil Eelam Government in Exile. These Tamils must decide to opt for peaceful and democratic way of getting their homeland through diplomacy.


The Government of Tibet in Exile is in Tibet House 1, Calworth Street, London NW8 TAF Telephone: 0044-20-7722-5378. Tamil Diaspora in UK must get in touch with the Government of Tibet in Exile and must learn from them on how to run a Government of Tamil Eelam in Exile. The support democratic Britain gives for Tibetan Government will be also showered on the Government of Tamil Eelam in Exile. The armed struggle has ended. Tamils must rise above affinity towards the Marxian or Maoist underground movements of yester years of history, and look for fresh initiatives. One such could be emulating the example of the Tibetan Government in Exile headed by His Holiness Dalai Lama. Tamils must also know that the seat of the Tibetan Government in Exile is Dharmsala in North India. India patronizes Tibetan Government of Exile; why not it starts patronizing the Tamil Eelam Government in Exile, the Tamilnadu Chief Minister Dr.Kalaignar M.Karunanithi can even urge his coalition partner in private. All the refugees placed in various refugee camps can become citizens of The Tamil Eelam Government in Exile, and all moneys towards refugees could be spent through the Tamil Eelam Government in Exile. Though for India to assimilate this idea will take a decade, Eelam Tamils can have their seat of Government in  London or whichever nations grants them permission to set the government in exile in its soil.


British Prime Minister Gordon Brown had expressed solidarity with Noble Laureate Aung San Sui Kyi, and western democracies are fully aware of the National coalition Government of Burma with Dr.Sein Win as Prime Minister. The elected Members of Parliament of Burma before people’s verdict was thrown to winds and democracy butchered in last decade, are the founding fathers of the Government in Exile. The Tamil Members of Parliament who hope to get better deal under the bullet fire of Srilankan President can exhaust their energies to get what has been denied to Tamils since independence. Once they get disillusioned they can be the nucleus of The Government in Exile of Tamil Eelam.


India who proclaims to be a friend of Tamils though ditching Tamils in dire need, must allow Tamils of Eelam to form their Government in Exile within Indian Territory. The Indian War of Independence saw the birth of the Provisional Government in Exile on 21st October 1943 headed by Nethaji Subash Chandra Bose. It took its inception in Singapore, and recalling the past precedent, India can permit the creation of Tamil Eelam Government in Exile. Of course India can choose who should head that Government, like Lord Mountbatten chose and propped up Jawaharlal Nehru from behind. This is not to belittle Nehru’s stature in the independence movement, but to remind preferences of powers too matter in propping up leaders of the Tamil Eelam Government in Exile.


Wikipedia states that Republic of Cabinda created in 1975 remains a Portuguese protectorate. The Government in Exile of the Republic of Cabinda is based on France; further that Government remains a protectorate of Portugal. Similarly India can be the protectorate for the Tamil Eelam Government in Exile, or France can be the patron. The issue is left in the hands of Tamil Diaspora to collectively decide. The exercise should also lay the foundation for a transnational state, the idea of which had to be lobbied and concrete shape to be given in future.


Lao’s People Democratic Republic since 1975 was based in Paris. Republic of Maluku Seltan claiming nation in Indonesia was based in Netherlands since 1950. The fact is west is aware of the concept of a Government in Exile, and Eelam Tamils must canalize all their thoughts to form such a government aiming to regain the lost homeland but in mean time cementing the bonds of comradeship that blossomed in the streets of the world where Tamils rubbed shoulders for a common cause to stop the Genocide of Tamils.



General Secretary Dravida Peravai


Posted by dravidaperavai at 11:41 PM
Post Comment | Permalink
December 13, 2008
Topic: Politics




N.Nandhivarman General Secretary Dravida Peravai


Why is Indian Government not melting to the woes of Eelam Tamils guillotined under the war machine of the Srilanka pursuing a vengeful agenda of genocide aimed at ethnic cleansing?


There is no difference between Adolph Hitler’s agenda against the Jews and Rajapakshe’s state terrorism against Eelam Tamils. USA under the George Bush administration has not applied its mind to identify state sponsored terrorism. It is high time world wakes up due to the relentless struggles of Eelam Tamils spread across continents and brands Srilankan state as terrorist state. Unless other nations initiate India will not take the first step to redeem Eelam Tamils from genocide. This impression is gaining ground and getting entrenched in Tamil psyche, as even Tamils of Tamilnadu feel like orphans within India, not because of the Indian nation but due to some mischief mongers in bureaucracy who have a common thread, racial sacred thread with the so called Aryan-Sinhalese.


In past when earnest efforts were made by then Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi to resolve the Tamil Eelam issue, few misguided him, more prominent among them were Mr.Romesh Bhandari and Mr.J.N.Dixit. This time the needle of suspicion in the minds of Tamils living across the continents seems to point and suspect a rehearsal of that past with new players like Mr.M.K.Narayanan, National Security Adviser, misguiding Indian policies towards Eelam Tamils. It is normal that we in political class only will blame the political masters, and allows the bureaucracy to go scot-free, since bureaucracy is permanent and cannot defend itself on its own in public, unlike the politicians. But in the aftermath of Mumbai terrorist strikes, the Indian Home Minister Mr.Shivraj Patil, one who lost last elections but was inducted in cabinet due to his “slavish loyalty” as the leading New Delhi daily Mail Today described in its editorial dated 1st December 2008, had to quit office owning moral responsibility.


We congratulate Mr. P.Chidambaram, a Tamilian the new home minister, who had been Minister of State in the Home ministry with special charge of internal security in 1988 when Mr. Rajiv Gandhi was Prime Minister. “He is seen as a strong, assertive politician and close to Man Mohan Singh. But, he will be carrying some of Patil’s baggage. The former home minister was not the only one responsible for making a mess of the security situation. National security advisor (NSA) M.K. Narayanan, home secretary Madhukar Gupta, Intelligence Bureau (IB) chief P.C. Haldar, Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW) chief Ashok Chaturvedi, and director-general Coast Guard Vice Admiral R.F. Contractor were responsible for making the country safe from terrorist strikes. Like Patil, they failed repeatedly. Yet, they have kept their jobs. In short, the government has sacked Patil but chosen not to dismantle the architecture of incompetence that surrounded him till his resignation on Sunday morning” writes Mail Today. It points the accusing finger on Mr.M.K.Narayanan, the National Security Adviser.” He failed in effective coordination between the intelligence and security agencies. Even the Prime Minister said such coordination was missing in pre-empting the latest attack. The PM now wants a mechanism for coordination between all security agencies. A shrewd operator and a survivor, Narayanan has been accused of undermining the IB and R&AW chiefs. He offered to resign when he met the PM on Sunday, but may have been saved by the TINA (‘there is no alternative’) factor. “The government does not have a replacement for the NSA’s position right now,” a senior PMO official said about the possible reason why Narayanan retained his job. On Sunday, the Prime Minister met Brijesh Mishra, former NSA in the NDA government. It set the rumour mills churning for a while, but the danger to Narayanan passed.” so says the daily.


In USA whenever new President or Party assumes office, new set of policies emanate with fresh leaders inducted into government. In India the cabinet system is supreme, but by-passing the cabinet system or the cabinet secretariat, imitating the West, we wrongly create posts like National Security Adviser, which erodes the authority of the Cabinet Minister or Cabinet Secretary. I would like to recall a comment by a columnist in a leading daily, where he said Indian Prime Minister Mr.Manmohan Singh started his innings as Prime Minister of India, but ultimately ended as Prime Minister of National Capital. This comment emanated to criticize the PM for going on creating committee after committee to induct all retired bureaucrats thereby catering to their power craziness. Once retired these bureaucrats must settle lives in grace and should not be inducted to disgrace the younger generations.


The Government of India, and even the Prime Minister’s lukewarm response, as reported in Tamil media, to the demands of the all party delegation led by Tamilnadu Chief Minister Kalaignar M.Karunanithi, is due to the wrong advice given by National Security Adviser and others like him in bureaucracy. The winter session of Indian Parliament is in session. North Indian Members of Parliament are raising many issues, stalling even proceedings, in the past. But Tamils are upset that the 40 Members of Parliament are neither articulating the views of Elam Tamils and the genocide they are subjected to nor doing justice to their people. The days when Nanjil Manoharan was the Leader of the DMK Parliamentary party, the DMK team included Mr.Era.Sezhian, Mr.G.Viswanathan, Mr.S.S.Marisamy and many others with oratorical skills. The Prime Minster Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was forced to assure DMK’s EVK Sampath that Hindi will not be thrust. Later Sampath ditched DMK is another story. DMK is not sending scholars or orators to the Parliament, it sends only people who will keep their mouths shut, unless the high command gives signal, no one participates in debates. This brain drain results in Tamilnadu issues, be it on Cauvery to Eelam Tamil issues, not being focused in national media. Even the all party delegation led by Tamilnadu Chief Minister was either not reported or reported with little importance in national televisions, because the DMK lacked orators in English who can present their views. So bureaucrats easily misguide Government of India. The Tamil politics remains a battle of words and statements in Tamil televisions and media, and not one of national debate. Unless this drawback is addressed people like M.K.Narayanan can misguide, and we will not be shedding new light to the national debate.


Why it is that Government of India’s memory is weak on the failed promises of Srilankan Government? What should be the approach of Mr.Pranab Mukherjee while he goes to Colombo /



Hon. Mangala Samaraweera, who was the former Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Srilankan Government, and who is now the Leader of the SLFP, (M) the defecting faction, and sits in the Opposition said in an interview given to Mandana Ismail Abeywickrema which is reported in the “The Sunday Leader” of August 3, 2008.  The question that he was asked, it states, I quote: “The Indian Prime Minister was reportedly assured by the government even during your tenure as foreign minister that a political package to resolve the ethnic issue will be submitted at the earliest but still there is no progress on that front.  How serious has this development impacted on Indo-Lanka relations?” and what was the answer he gave?  It states, I quote: “As you know, as foreign minister between the period of November 2005 and January 2007, I made six visits to New Delhi-twice with the President.  At each opportunity, I had the honour of meeting the Indian Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh to explain the evolving situation in the country. Indian Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee also participated at these meetings.  In fact, at each meeting, first the President and then I assured the Prime Minister that the final report of the All Party Conference (APC) will be issued by August 2006, the latest.” 


That was two years ago. He further goes on to say, I quote: “However, as time went by, it was also clear to me that the government, especially with the pressure exerted by the likes of the JHU, Wimal Weerawansa and also the Defence Secretary, were all out to sabotage and cripple the workings of the APC.  The APC, as far as the President and his people were concerned was a ploy to keep the international community at bay and also a means of showing the international community that the government was interested in negotiating a settlement while it secretly operated a military option. In fact, when I met Dr. Singh later that year, it was very embarrassing, as I, in order to protect the government, had to pretend that a solution was forthcoming.  In December 2006, the duplicity was evident when I accompanied the President to New Delhi to attend Minister Mani Shankar Aiyar’s daughter’s wedding and met the Indian Prime Minister to brief him on the latest developments in Sri Lanka. At this meeting, we had in our delegation, Dr. Rohan Perera, who was an advisor to the Foreign Ministry and a member of the expert’s panel of the APC that was drafting the final recommendations.  At the meeting, the President got Dr. Perera to give a brief presentation to the Indian side on the proposed recommendations.  Dr. Perera gave a concise presentation where he said they would propose absolute devolution of power similar to that of the quasi federal Indian Constitution.  However, we were in for a rude shock once we got back to Sri Lanka when President Rajapakse, who was extremely peeved by Delhi’s blackout of his photographs at the earlier visit, instructed that the experts committee of the APC be dissolved.  Dr. Perera and other members were mercilessly attacked in government controlled newspapers and were forced to submit their resignations.  The President presented a set of proposals to India, which he himself was to disown a few weeks later. At the Non Aligned Summit in Havana in September 2006, President Rajapakse again assured the Indian Prime Minister and the delegation that there would be no de-merger of the north and east.   But he later instigated Wimal Weerawansa and the JVP to file action against the merger.  Even today, it is a well-known fact the President is there behind the anti-Indian rhetoric of the JHU and the JVP. ”


 Mr.  R.Sampanthan, Parliamentary Group Leader Tamil National Alliance speaking in Srilankan Parliament told that “the Foreign Minister of this Government who was with the President of this country, at the meeting with the Indian Prime Minister in Havana where the President assured the Indian Prime Minister that there will be no de-merger.  This is not being said by me.  It is being said by a Foreign Minister of this Government and this is exactly what Mr. M. K. Narayanan, the National Security Adviser of the Indian Government told me and my colleagues when we met him in New Delhi before the judgment of the Supreme Court, after the President met with the Prime Minister in Havana.  Mr. Narayanan told us that there was an assurance from the President that there will be no de-merger and that we do not have to worry about it; going further he told us that the Indian Prime Minister has told the President that if there was going to be a de-merger, India would have to keep all its options open. Those were the exact words of Mr. M. K. Narayanan, the National Security Adviser of India.  Sir, where exactly is this government going? What is this government doing?  Are you not cheating everybody, the people in this country, the international community and the much beleaguered Tamil people?  In so far, Sir, as the sharing of powers of Government is concerned, the Thirteenth Amendment was rejected by the main Tamil political party of the Tamil people, the TULF as early as 1987 – 1988, and continues to be rejected by the main Tamil political party, the Illankai Tamil Arasu Kachchi, the Tamil National Alliance, which has 22 Members in Parliament out of 23 Tamil Members of Parliament elected from the North and the East.  It has not found acceptance with any Tamil political formation that does not carry out the dictates of President Mahinda Rajapaksa.  Such a worthless scheme can never be a solution to the Tamil question.  Moreover, by seeking to implement the Thirteenth Amendment, President Mahinda Rajapaksa thereby seeks to set at naught all efforts to evolve an acceptable political solution between 1989 and 2007, including his own pronouncements and actions when he set up the APRC.  The Thirteenth Amendment concentrates all powers in the Centre and the Provincial council is no more than a glorified local government institution.  Such a worthless scheme can never be a solution to the Tamil question”.


These facts must be refreshed in the minds of Indian Foreign Minister Mr.Pranab Mukherjee, before he sets his foot in Srilankan soil next week. He should not go unprepared to argue. His visit is not a cosmetic exercise. It is the outcome of a unanimous resolution passed by Tamilnadu assembly and is a follow up to the appeal made by the all party delegation led by Dr.Kalaignar M.Karunanithi which met the Indian Prime Minister to request him to send a stern warning to Srilanka to halt the genocide and war against its own people. Mr.Mukherjee is not going to listen to same musical opera. Tamilnadu reminds him of his historical duty. His mission is not a fire fighting exercise. He needs strong words and not sugar coats. He needs iron will not will that will melt like ice in front of the red towel of Mr.Rajabakshe.


It is needless to say that Rajiv Gandhi’s murder is responsible for the inaction of Government of India towards Eelam Tamil’s plight. The LTTE factor is the reason, all know, and what would you say?


I cannot say poetically as Dr.Kalaignar M.Karunanithi, who said there are terrorists in many countries but nowhere bombing of civilians takes place to tackle terrorism. We in India all know the organization which was linked to the murder of the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi. The ban on that organization was short lived. It operates openly. I don’t think India can adopt one policy for Mahatma Gandhi and other for Rajiv Gandhi. We all know the Sikh connection to the Indira Gandhi murder, and the revenge killings of Sikhs, but that is past chapter. Now India has a Sikh Prime Minister, heading the same Congress party Government. Even if few Tamils of Eelam are connected to Rajiv Gandhi’s killings that should never be a reason to curse entire 10 crore Tamils spread across the world, nor the Eelam Tamils who are fighting for freedom sacrificing more than Indian sacrifice in Indian freedom movement. Nobody’s eyes were plucked in British prisons; no British sold Indian meat, such cannibals rule only in Srilanka.


Let me quote from the exclusive cover story of Indian magazine OUTLOOK dated 24th November 1997in its wrapper story: THE MISSING FILES. Crucial files concerning Rajiv Gandhi assassination case have either been lost or suppressed. Outlook investigates the mystery.


1. File No: 8-1-WR/JSS/90/Vol III - containing notings of bureaucrats regarding security arrangements for Rajiv Gandhi from November 1989 was lost from the Prime Minister’s Office in 1991. Later, it was doctored and reconstructed by the Narasimha Rao Government, before it was submitted to Jain Commission.


2. File No: 1/12014/5/91-IAS/DIII reported missing since 1995. It pertained to the terms of reference of the Verma and Jain Commission of Enquiry.


3. File containing intercepted messages from foreign intelligence services said to be addressed to Chandraswamy, destroyed by the senior officials of the PMO.


4. File on Intelligence Bureau’s assessment of the role played by Zail Singh and Chandraswamy in 1987 to topple Rajiv Gandhi missing.


5. File with records of official briefings by intelligence agencies on the assassination to Rao’s Home Minister S.B.Chavan missing. The former Minister confirms he was briefed orally.


6. The April 20, 1991, wireless intercept with the leading question-should Rajiv be killed in Delhi or Madras? Missing.


7. File relating to the Rao governments attempt to wind up the Jain commission is still withheld from the panel.


The whole article will be reproduced later, if necessary. But this investigative journal points its accusing finger in its title THE DEADLY DUE.


None from LTTE is branded as deadly due, the deadly duo has Congress connections, and hence Congress party must indulge in self introspection. Even if Eelam Tamils or drop outs from LTTE were tools, who directed these tools to hit. Tamil saying is there: i??amp;#381;a??i??a??a??a??i?? i??amp;#8225;a??i??i??amp;#8226;i??i??amp;#8226; i??amp;#8230;a??i??a??i??amp;#710; a??i??amp;#8249;i??amp;#8226;a??a??a??a?? ?


In all political parties in India many people with criminal background, convicted for murders, continue as members. Why the same OUTLOOK before a general election brought out details of 72 Members of Parliament charged with various offences including murders. With more than 30 murder charges, even an M.P known to me, was in Parliament. Does this mean the political party that patronizes those people should be banned? It is ridiculous. Even to highlight the plight of Tamils caught in a genocidal war before United Nations, India has hesitancy. India should not shirk from its moral responsibility as a super power in this region, to save Tamils. India by this time must have sent all help to Zimbabwe to save its citizens from cholera. Such gestures will enhance India’s moral standing. Indian shield for Eelam Tamils will not only serve Indian geo-political interests but also will go down in history as a nation that saved Tamils from genocide.






Posted by dravidaperavai at 10:44 PM
Updated: December 13, 2008 10:54 PM
Post Comment | Permalink
October 29, 2008
Topic: Politics

N.Nandhivarman, General Secretary Dravida Peravai in an exclusive interview to Tamil says:


Q: In the aftermath of all parties of Tamilnadu protesting against Indian inaction over the genocide of Tamils in Srilanka, the Government of India had taken few steps to cool down the tempers in Tamilnadu. What is your view on the steps taken by Government of India?


Every step is welcome, but let those take the steps look back to past, so that they may not falter in their steps. Close on the heels of Government of India coming out hesitantly, there are moves by forces opposed to Tamils rights to confuse and fish into troubled waters. The Hindu gave undue importance to the 150 day Chief Minister of Eastern Province Mr. Sivanesathurai Santhirakanthan, by publishing his views. The Delhi spokespersons too had repeated recently like parrots that the democratic process in Eastern Province should be encouraged. Both initiatives seem to aim to introduce the Chief Minister of Eastern Province, as legitimate political authority, in order to induct him too in the so called dialogue. The de-merger of the Northern and Eastern Provinces aims at slapping India on its face. It makes mockery of the Rajiv Gandhi_ J.R.Jayawardene accord signed on 29th July 1987. Close on the inking of that accord, India backed Mr.Varadaraja Perumal was foisted as Chief Minister of unified North-Eastern Province. Ultimately when accord failed, Mr.Varadaraja Perumal had to unilaterally announce independence and flee to India, which spent happily public money for decades to protect a puppet. Now it is the time for Srilankan Government’s puppet Mr.Sivanesanthurai Santhirakanthan, the so called Chief Minister of Eastern Province, to play his historical role till he flees. Apart from individual players, the main thrust of argument both the cases were and is that Provincial Councils with devolution of powers will address to the aspirations of Eelam Tamils. This is mirage chase, a mirage Tamils of Elam had been chasing even before Srilanka got independence.


Q: Are you of the opinion that provincial councils within unitary Srilanka would not resolve the crisis, if so please elaborate the reasons?


A:   Even before Srilanka became independent in 1928, Donoughmore Commission suggested the creation of Provincial councils. It took 12 years and in 1940 the Executive Committee of Local Administration chaired by Thiru. S.W.R.D.Bandaranaike considered these proposals which were approved by legislature. Again in 1947, on the floor of the House of Representatives, Thiru.Bandaranaike reiterated his support. In 1955 Choksy Commission recommended the establishment of Provincial Councils. The Government headed by Thiru.S.W.R.D.Bandaranaike in May 1957 presented a draft bill for the establishment of Provincial Councils. Having been repeatedly advocated by Sinhalese Government of the day, the stamp of approval by the Tamil parties, then who were only seeking federalism, came when in July 1957 Thiru.S.V.J.Selvanayagam –Bandaranaike pact was signed. The pact paved way for direct election to regional councils with allocation of agriculture, cooperatives, land development, colonization and education as regional subjects, but even that dream was scuttled by the opposition parties mainly the UNP headed by J.R.Jayawardane.


Then in July 1960 Federal Party of Selvanayagam supported the SLFP headed by Mrs.Srimavo Bandaranaike, hoping it will implement the earlier pact. Though in July 1963, Mrs. Bandaranaike paid lip service by appointing a committee on District Councils and that eyewash committee too submitted its Draft of the Proposed Bill to create District Council. That ended there and nothing further was done.


Then in 1965 Dudley Senanaike-Selvanayagam pact was signed in order to get the Federal party’s support to UNP Government. This pact affirmed assurances for early devolution of powers with creation of District Councils. In 1968 Dudley Senanaike cabinet approved a draft bill for the establishment of District Councils. Opposition mounted pressure and in July 1958 District Councils bill was withdrawn. Federal Party retaliated by withdrawing support to Government.


A Constituent Assembly was constituted after SLFP led by Mrs. Srimavo Bandaranaike won with huge majority in General Elections. The Federal Party submitted its proposals to the Constituent Assembly. The memorandum called for “a federal form of government with three autonomous Tamil, Sinhalese and Muslim states.”  The demand of Federal Party for parity of status between Tamil and Sinhala was defeated in the Constituent Assembly. Federal Party boycotted but the new Constitution that changed Ceylon to Sinhalese name Srilanka making it a theocratic state with Buddhism as state religion was passed on 22nd May 1972. In 1979 August President J.R.Jayawardane appointed a Presidential Commission on creation of District Development Councils.


Well, to sum up, these were the demands of Tamil parties, more particularly The Federal Party headed by the Gandhi of Eelam Thiru Selvanayagam, as he was fondly referred in those days. The National Security Adviser of India, and those who currently have run out of ideas or initiatives, must realize they are clinging to certain phrases like “devolution of powers within unitary Srilanka” which are unrealizable goals, the unfolding drama since 1928 till date prove beyond an iota of doubt.


The role model of Indian states, which these people hold as panacea in their minds, will never be acceptable to Sinhalese .Even in India, to resolve the Kashmir dispute, the Indian constitution created a special article 370, even which till date has not satisfied the aspirations of Kashmiris. Even to the extent India came down to create a special provision in the Constitution Srilanka will never shed its arrogance and seek solution within the Constitutional parameters.


Q: These failures were between Srilankan ruling parties and Tamil parties. There were no mediators between them. India brokering peace and offering solutions will work, some analysts say, what do you feel?


A: Have you forgotten that in the aftermath of 1983 genocide of Tamils, and then Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi sent her emissary Thiru.G.Parthasarathy. These proposals were later known as Annexure C proposals. Is Indian bureaucracy now in external affairs ministry ignorant of the fate of Annexure C proposals? Have they erased from their memories the reasons for the failures of Thimpu talks?  Later too what happened to the visit of Indian Ministers Mr.Natwar Singh and Mr.P.Chidambaram? Where their December 19 proposals, as they were called in 1986, had gone? Then the infamous pact and fiasco of IPKF need not be reminded. Those who currently advise Government of India and the Peace Emissary of Madam Sonia Gandhi, Mr.Pranab Mukerjee, must know they are dealing with the fate of Tamils who had met broken promises too long and who are facing genocide since 1983 to 2008. Just by simply repeating within unitary Srilanka or devolution of powers the conflict could not be resolved. They must search their brains for solutions. They must place their valuable suggestions for public debate. Before Mr.Sivashankar Menon assumed office as Foreign Secretary, and before he was relieved as Indian Ambassador of Pakistan, I wrote to him bluntly. Eelam Tamils will not live in Unitary Srilanka, Tamils don’t trust Sinhalese. If India does not want separate Country for Tamils, then there can be only one option. The Tamil provinces of Srilanka can join Indian Union and be states within Indian Union, but let Sinhalese remain as separate sovereign Sinhala country.


Q: Then what is the other way out? What option will satisfy Eelam Tamils? Who should mediate?


A: The Tamilnadu Chief Minister Dr.Kalaignar M.Karunanithi is of the view that Norway need not mediate now; perhaps he has in mind a greater role for India. But I am of the view that India takes this issue to United Nations. It is not an issue between two countries; it is an issue between a ruthless government and its genocide of its own people. Instead of looking through the spectacles of Mr.M.K.Narayanan let India see this issue through UN. Canada had faced similar problem, and they had resolved. The Irish problem was resolved, to cite few. Many issues have been resolved and no use in buying time or sending issues to cold storage.


Europe has twelve small states, five of which are islands or island groups. Monaco, a small urban enclave on the northern Mediterranean coast, is one of the most prosperous and best known of all small states. With just 32,000 permanent residents (8,000 of whom are citizens) and 500 acres of territory, Monaco is a sovereign state; its independence is somewhat limited, since its big neighbour, France, manages its foreign relations, postal services and defense, while the French franc has served as its official currency. When Monoco can be independent nation with restrictions, why not that option be given to Tamil Eelam, for argument sake, we are asking the world community. Though we won’t support independence with restrictions as is the case of Monaco, why not even for debate sake no one proposes Monaca model to resolve Tamil Eelam struggle.


In addition to Monaco, the smaller European territories of this type are: the Principality of Liechtenstein (pop. 31,000), the semi-independent state lets of Andorra (pop. 64,000) and San Marino (pop. 24,000) and four British territories -- the Isle of Man (pop. 70,000), the Channel Islands (pop. 150,000), the Faeroe Islands (pop. 45,000), and Gibraltar (pop. 29,000) – as well as Vatican City State. With just 700 residents and 109 acres, the Vatican may be the only state in the world with a diplomatic corps larger than its resident population. When Vatican with such miniscule population is independent nation what is wrong in Tamil Eelam being independent nation?


The Caribbean area has a number of small states, the majority islands. According to our adjusted World Bank figures there are 14 states and 15 territories in this class in the Caribbean region, ranging in size from Montserrat (pop. 6,400) to Trinidad and Tobago (pop. 1,300,000). Belize (pop. 236,000), Suriname (pop. 431,000), French Guiana (pop. 168,000) and Guyana (pop. 705,000) are all located on the mainland. Some of the better-known islands include Aruba (pop. 80,000), Barbados (pop. 257,000), the Bahamas (pop. 284,000), Martinique (pop. 412, 00), and Grenada (pop. 94,500).  If these tiny countries can be independent nations, what prevents all these countries from endorsing the right to independence to Tamil Eelam?


The Netherlands Antilles (pop. 208,000) is home of George Soros' famous Quantum hedge fund, while Bermuda (pop. 63,000) has recently become an important center for the global insurance industry. The tiny British self-governing territory of Cayman Islands (pop. 23,000) has risen to special prominence in recent decades.


The Pacific Ocean region has two dozen island states, ranging in size from Fiji (pop. 773,000) to tiny Tokelau, an atoll with just 1,700 residents. If with 1700 people an atoll be independent, why not Tamils of Eelam have their independent nation?

Some of the territories embrace hundreds of islands scattered over more than a thousand miles of ocean. The Indian Ocean is site of four large island groups, including the Maldives (pop. 245,000) and the Seychelles (pop. 79,000), as well as a number of other territories including the French island of Reunion (pop. 718,000). Among the smallest Pacific SSTs, Nauru (pop. 10,000) and Niue (2,100) have specialized in offshore finance, a field where newcomers can have an advantage.


Africa, too, has a number of SSTs – 12 states according to the World Bank count, including the islands of Cape Verde (pop. 416,000) and Sao Tome and Principe (pop.142, 000), coastal Djibouti (pop. 636,000) and continental Swaziland (pop. 969,000), as well as a number of territorial remnants of colonialism, like Ceuta (pop. 69,000) and Melilla (pop. 60,000), Spanish territories on Morocco's Mediterranean coast.


Asia, by contrast, has relatively few SSTs, many of which are quite prosperous. The island of Bahrain (pop. 629,000), peninsular Qatar (pop. 724,000), and coastal Brunei (pop. 323,000) are all petroleum-rich monarchies


Thirty-two of the Commonwealth's 53 member countries are small states - mostly with populations of less than 1.5 million They range in size from micro-states such as St Kitts and Nevis, Nauru, Niue, and Tuvalu with less than 50,000 people each, to countries like Botswana, The Gambia and Mauritius


The world's political map, dominated by large states, includes many lesser-known small states and territories. Using the World Bank benchmark of 1.5 million populations, there are 56 small states, as well as more than a hundred small territories under the sovereign control of others. A substantial majority of these small political units are islands or island federations, like Fiji in the Pacific or Barbados in the Caribbean. But others are located on the continental main lands, sometimes as coastal enclaves, like Monaco or Brunei, and sometimes as landlocked (often mountainous) territories, like Swaziland or Liechtenstein. A large number of the SSTs have emerged only recently from colonialism.


If this is the world scenario, Eelam can be independent, can sustain as independent nation, and its demand for independence does not lack logic. Hence Dravida Peravai appeals to all the member states of the United Nations to arrive at a consensus to extend support to the independent nation of Tamil Eelam.   India must work towards this goal and Dr.Kalaignar M.Karunanithi, Chief Minister of Tamilnadu must work hard keeping the unity of Tamil parties to arrive at a consensus towards once for all resolving the Eelam Tamils issue, which cannot remain forever like this in turmoil.


Q: The attitude of Sinhalese towards Tamils is nothing new, they have this Raj Thackerey mentality against all, you had spoken in past. Could you elaborate?


A:  The first riots in Srilanka are more than a century old. In 1883 they attacked the Christians. In 1902 the Sinhalese sponsored riots targeted Dalits. During 1915, the Sinhalese showed their ire against North Indian traders and South Indian Muslim petty businessmen. Mr.Shivashankar Menon must go back to the pages of history when in 1930; Sinhalese riots targeted Malayalis from Cochin and Travancore. Then they targeted Indian immigrant plantation labour. This resulted in India foolishly signing a pact creating Stateless people, whereas USA assimilated all citizens. After trying their anger against all communities, then they started discriminating the sons of their soil, Eelam Tamils, who were there much before these Sinhalese set their foot. The Indian policy framers are thinking Tamils went from India and Sinhalese are the sons of their soil. Their own sacred book Mahavamsa proves they have arrived in Srilanka.  So the External Affairs Ministry, whose spokesmen recently hit at Dr.Kalaignar M.Karunanithi, as soon as he gave the call for Tamilnadu Members of Parliament to quit en masse, saying India has long term foreign policy and political parties cannot change it, forgets that India is a democracy ruled by a Cabinet system and DMK is in the Cabinet, and DMK has legitimate right to offer course corrections or take policy decisions, and bureaucrats are here just to implement what Cabinet decides or Parliament approves. The foolishness of past of giving room to J.N.Dixit or Romesh Bhandary and current reliance on bureaucrats shoulders to resolve Eelam issue will not work. This realization must have made the octogenarian leader Dr.Kalaignar M.Karunanithi to place the responsibility on Cabinet Ministers and Prime Minister, instead of stale old advisers in bureaucracy, who have selective amnesia with regard to the genocide of Sinhalese Governments.


[Interviewed by freelance journalist R. Ramachandran, formerly of New Indian Express ]

Posted by dravidaperavai at 4:44 AM
Updated: October 29, 2008 4:46 AM
Post Comment | Permalink
October 24, 2008
Topic: Tamil History













The United Nations website categorically states that the Secretary-General is a symbol of United Nations ideals and a spokesman for the interests of the world's peoples, in particular the poor and vulnerable among them. And it is logical for Tamils spread across the globe to expect the Secretary General to be the spokesperson of the victims of a genocidal war in Srilanka, which sees no abating ever after it had consumed 70,000 lives.


The bleeding of the Tamil Eelam must end and like all other peace loving people's Eelam Tamils should live in peace in their homeland, the Indian Tamils expect everyday for the dawn of peace and pin their last hopes on the conscience of the member states of the United Nations and its Secretary General to voice support for the cause of independent Tamil Eelam.


 In the developed world particularly Europe has twelve small states, five of which are islands or island groups. Monaco, a small urban enclave on the northern Mediterranean coast, is one of the most prosperous and best known of all small states. With just 32,000 permanent residents (8,000 of whom are citizens) and 500 acres of territory,  Monaco is a sovereign state, its independence is somewhat limited, since its big neighbor, France, manages its foreign relations, postal services and defense, while the French franc has served as its official currency. When Monoco can be independent nation with restrictions, why not that option be given to Tamil Eelam, for argument sake, we are asking the world community. Though we wont support independence with restrictions as is the case of Monaco, why not even for debate sake no one proposes Monaca model to resolve Tamil Eelam struggle.


In addition to Monaco, the smaller European territories of this type are: the Principality of Liechtenstein (pop. 31,000), the semi-independent state lets of Andorra (pop. 64,000) and San Marino (pop. 24,000) and four British territories -- the Isle of Man (pop. 70,000), the Channel Islands (pop. 150,000), the Faeroe Islands (pop. 45,000), and Gibraltar (pop. 29,000) – as well as Vatican City State. With just 700 residents and 109 acres, the Vatican may be the only state in the world with a diplomatic corps larger than its resident population. When Vatican with such miniscule population is independent nation what is wrong in Tamil Eelam being independent nation ?


The Caribbean area has a number of small states, the majority islands. According to our adjusted World Bank figures there are 14 states and 15 territories in this class in the Caribbean region, ranging in size from Montserrat (pop. 6,400) to Trinidad and Tobago (pop. 1,300,000). Belize (pop. 236,000), Suriname (pop. 431,000), French Guiana (pop. 168,000) and Guyana (pop. 705,000) are all located on the mainland. Some of the better-known islands include Aruba (pop. 80,000), Barbados (pop. 257,000), the Bahamas (pop. 284,000), Martinique (pop. 412,00), and Grenada (pop. 94,500 ).  If these tiny countries can be independent nations, what prevents all these countries from endorsing the right to independence to Tamil Eelam.


The Netherlands Antilles (pop. 208,000) is home of George Soros' famous Quantum hedge fund, while Bermuda (pop. 63,000) has recently become an important center for the global insurance industry. The tiny British self-governing territory of Cayman Islands (pop. 23,000) has risen to special prominence in recent decades.


The Pacific Ocean region has two dozen island states, ranging in size from Fiji (pop. 773,000) to tiny Tokelau, an atoll with just 1,700 residents. If with 1700 people an atoll be independent, why not Tamils of Eelam have their  independent nation ?


Some of the territories embrace hundreds of islands scattered over more than a thousand miles of ocean. The Indian Ocean is site of four large island groups, including the Maldives (pop. 245,000) and the Seychelles (pop. 79,000), as well as a number of other territories including the French island of Reunion (pop. 718,000). Among the smallest Pacific SSTs, Nauru (pop. 10,000) and Niue (2,100) have specialized in offshore finance, a field where newcomers can have an advantage.


Africa, too, has a number of SSTs – 12 states according to the World Bank count, including the islands of Cape Verde (pop. 416,000) and Sao Tome and Principe (pop.142, 000), coastal Djibouti (pop. 636,000) and continental Swaziland (pop. 969,000), as well as a number of territorial remnants of colonialism, like Ceuta (pop . 69,000) and Melilla (pop. 60,000), Spanish territories on Morocco's Mediterranean coast.


Asia, by contrast, has relatively few SSTs, many of which are quite prosperous. The island of Bahrain (pop. 629,000), peninsular Qatar (pop. 724,000), and coastal Brunei (pop. 323,000) are all petroleum-rich monarchies


Thirty-two of the Commonwealth's 53 member countries are small states - mostly with populations of less than 1.5 million They range in size from micro-states such as St Kitts and Nevis, Nauru, Niue, and Tuvalu with less than 50,000 people each, to countries like Botswana, The Gambia and Mauritius


The world's political map, dominated by large states, includes many lesser-known small states and territories. Using the World Bank benchmark of 1.5 million population, there are 56 small states, as well as more than a hundred small territories under the sovereign control of others. A substantial majority of these small political units are islands or island federations, like Fiji in the Pacific or Barbados in the Caribbean. But others are located on the continental mainlands, sometimes as coastal enclaves, like Monaco or Brunei, and sometimes as landlocked (often mountainous) territories, like Swaziland or Liechtenstein. A large number of the SSTs have emerged only recently from colonialism.


If this is the world scenario, Eelam can be independent, can sustain as independent nation, and its demand for independence does not lack logic. Hence Dravida Peravai appeals to all the member states of the United Nations to arrive at a consensus to extend support to the independent nation of Tamil Eelam. If it is true that the Secretary General is the spokesperson of the suppressed people we urge him to muster support for the cause of Independent Tamil Eelam among the member states of the United Nations.



 We appeal to the following 192 Member States of the United Nations Organization.


 Afghanistan -- (19 Nov. 1946),Albania -- (14 Dec. 1955),Algeria -- (8 Oct. 1962),Andorra -- (28 July 1993),Angola -- (1 Dec. 1976),Antigua and Barbuda -- (11 Nov. 1981),Argentina -- (24 Oct. 1945),Armenia -- (2 Mar. 1992),Australia -- (1 Nov. 1945),Austria-- (14 Dec. 1955),Azerbaijan -- (2 Mar. 1992),Bahamas -- (18 Sep. 1973),Bahrain -- (21 Sep. 1971),Bangladesh -- (17 Sep. 1974),Barbados -- (9 Dec. 1966),Belarus -- (24 Oct. 1945),Belgium -- (27 Dec. 1945),Belize -- (25 Sep. 1981),Benin -- (20 Sep. 1960),Bhutan -- (21 Sep. 1971),Bolivia -- (14 Nov. 1945),Bosnia and Herzegovina -- (22 May 1992),Botswana -- (17 Oct. 1966),Brazil -- (24 Oct. 1945),Brunei Darussalam -- (21 Sep. 1984),Bulgaria -- (14 Dec. 1955),Burkina Faso -- (20 Sep. 1960),Burundi -- (18 Sep. 1962),Cambodia -- (14 Dec. 1955),

Cameroon -- (20 Sep. 1960),Canada -- (9 Nov. 1945),Cape Verde -- (16 Sep. 1975),Central African Republic -- (20 Sep. 1960),Chad -- (20 Sep. 1960),Chile -- (24 Oct. 1945),China -- (24 Oct. 1945),Colombia -- (5 Nov. 1945),Comoros -- (12 Nov. 1975),Congo (Republic of the) -- (20 Sep. 1960),Costa Rica -- (2 Nov. 1945),

Côte d'Ivoire -- (20 Sep. 1960),Croatia -- (22 May 1992),Cuba -- (24 Oct. 1945),Cyprus -- (20 Sep. 1960),Czech Republic -- (19 Jan. 1993),Democratic People's Republic of Korea -- (17 Sep. 1991),Democratic Republic of the Congo -- (20 Sep. 1960),Denmark -- (24 Oct. 1945),Djibouti -- (20 Sep. 1977),Dominica -- (18 Dec. 1978),Dominican Republic -- (24 Oct. 1945)


Ecuador -- (21 Dec. 1945),Egypt -- (24 Oct. 1945),El Salvador -- (24 Oct. 1945),Equatorial Guinea -- (12 Nov. 1968),Eritrea -- (28 May 1993),Estonia -- (17 Sep. 1991),Ethiopia -- (13 Nov. 1945),Fiji -- (13 Oct. 1970),Finland -- (14 Dec. 1955),France-- (24 Oct. 1945),Gabon -- (20 Sep. 1960),Gambia -- (21 Sep. 1965),

Georgia -- (31 July 1992),Germany -- (18 Sep. 1973),Ghana -- (8 Mar. 1957),Greece -- (25 Oct. 1945),Grenada -- (17 Sep. 1974),Guatemala -- (21 Nov. 1945),

Guinea -- (12 Dec. 1958),Guinea-Bissau -- (17 Sep. 1974),Guyana -- (20 Sep. 1966),Haiti -- (24 Oct. 1945),Honduras -- (17 Dec. 1945),Hungary -- (14 Dec. 1955),

Iceland -- (19 Nov. 1946),India -- (30 Oct. 1945),Indonesia -- (28 Sep. 1950),Iran (Islamic Republic of) -- (24 Oct. 1945),Iraq -- (21 Dec. 1945),Ireland -- (14 Dec. 1955),Israel -- (11 May 1949),Italy -- (14 Dec. 1955),Jamaica -- (18 Sep. 1962),Japan -- (18 Dec. 1956),Jordan -- (14 Dec. 1955),Kazakhstan -- (2 Mar. 1992),

Kenya -- (16 Dec. 1963),Kiribati -- (14 Sept. 1999),Kuwait -- (14 May 1963),Kyrgyzstan -- (2 Mar. 1992),Lao People's Democratic Republic -- (14 Dec. 1955),

Latvia -- (17 Sep. 1991),Lebanon -- (24 Oct. 1945),Lesotho -- (17 Oct. 1966),Liberia -- (2 Nov. 1945),Libyan Arab Jamahiriya -- (14 Dec. 1955),Liechtenstein-- (18 Sep. 1990),Lithuania -- (17 Sep. 1991),Luxembourg-- (24 Oct. 1945)


Madagascar -- (20 Sep. 1960),Malawi -- (1 Dec. 1964),Malaysia-- (17 Sep. 1957),Maldives-- (21 Sep. 1965),Mali -- (28 Sep. 1960),Malta -- (1 Dec. 1964),

Marshall Islands -- (17 Sep. 1991),Mauritania -- (27 Oct. 1961),Mauritius -- (24 Apr. 1968),Mexico -- (7 Nov. 1945),Micronesia (Federated States of) -- (17 Sep. 1991),Moldova -- (2 Mar. 1992),Monaco -- (28 May 1993),Mongolia -- (27 Oct. 1961),Montenegro -- (28 June 2006),Morocco -- (12 Nov. 1956),Mozambique -- (16 Sep. 1975),Myanmar -- (19 Apr. 1948),Namibia -- (23 Apr. 1990),Nauru -- (14 Sept. 1999),Nepal -- (14 Dec. 1955),Netherlands -- (10 Dec. 1945),New Zealand -- (24 Oct. 1945),Nicaragua -- (24 Oct. 1945),Niger -- (20 Sep. 1960),Nigeria -- (7 Oct. 1960),Norway -- (27 Nov. 1945),Oman -- (7 Oct. 1971),Pakistan -- (30 Sep. 1947),Palau -- (15 Dec. 1994),Panama -- (13 Nov. 1945),Papua New Guinea -- (10 Oct. 1975),Paraguay -- (24 Oct. 1945),Peru -- (31 Oct. 1945),Philippines -- (24 Oct. 1945),Poland -- (24 Oct. 1945),Portugal -- (14 Dec. 1955),Qatar -- (21 Sep. 1971),Republic of Korea -- (17 Sep. 1991),Romania -- (14 Dec. 1955),

Russian Federation -- (24 Oct. 1945),Saint Kitts and Nevis -- (23 Sep. 1983),Saint Lucia -- (18 Sep. 1979),Saint Vincent and the Grenadines -- (16 Sep. 1980),

Samoa -- (15 Dec. 1976),San Marino -- (2 Mar. 1992),Sao Tome and Principe -- (16 Sep. 1975),Saudi Arabia -- (24 Oct. 1945),Senegal -- (28 Sep. 1960),

Serbia -- (1 Nov. 2000),Seychelles -- (21 Sep. 1976),Sierra Leone -- (27 Sep. 1961),Singapore -- (21 Sep. 1965),Slovakia -- (19 Jan. 1993),Slovenia -- (22 May 1992),Solomon Islands -- (19 Sep. 1978),Somalia -- (20 Sep. 1960),South Africa -- (7 Nov. 1945),Spain -- (14 Dec. 1955),Sri Lanka -- (14 Dec. 1955),Sudan -- (12 Nov. 1956),Suriname -- (4 Dec. 1975),Swaziland -- (24 Sep. 1968),Sweden -- (19 Nov. 1946),Switzerland -- (10 Sep. 2002),Syrian Arab Republic -- (24 Oct. 1945)


Tajikistan -- (2 Mar. 1992),Thailand -- (16 Dec. 1946),The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia -- (8 Apr. 1993),Timor-Leste -- (27 Sep. 2002),Togo -- (20 Sep. 1960),Tonga -- (14 Sep. 1999),Trinidad and Tobago -- (18 Sep. 1962),Tunisia -- (12 Nov. 1956),Turkey -- (24 Oct. 1945),Turkmenistan -- (2 Mar. 1992),Tuvalu -- (5 Sept. 2000),Uganda -- (25 Oct. 1962),Ukraine-- (24 Oct. 1945),United Arab Emirates -- (9 Dec. 1971),United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland-- (24 Oct. 1945),United Republic of Tanzania -- (14 Dec. 1961),United States of America -- (24 Oct. 1945),Uruguay -- (18 Dec. 1945),Uzbekistan -- (2 Mar. 1992),

Vanuatu -- (15 Sep. 1981),Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) -- (15 Nov. 1945) ,Viet Nam -- (20 Sep. 1977),Yemen -- (30 Sep. 1947),Zambia -- (1 Dec. 1964),Zimbabwe -- (25 Aug. 1980)


[Based on "Basics facts about the UN", DPI, 2004, and Press Release ORG/1469 of 3 July 2006 ]






We appeal to all the 192 countries in the list of United Nations, including the war mongering Srilankan state, to look at the list of independent states, which are having independence with very thin population. When whole world witnesses people everywhere being independent why Tamils of Eelam alone should live under Sinhalese colonialism and suppression. Let all in humanity greet the dawn of Tamil Eelam in 2007.


With Regards

Yours fraternally


General Secretary Dravida Peravai

9,Ramaraja Street Puducherry 605001, India


Posted by dravidaperavai at 7:56 PM
Updated: October 24, 2008 8:09 PM
Post Comment | Permalink
October 2, 2008
Topic: Politics

Dravida Peravai: A Fact-File


Periyar-Anna, the two ideologues of Dravidian Movement laid down firm ideological foundations for equality of all human beings and carrying forward a progressive rationalist global vision. Arignar Anna spelt out those noble ideals in the Annamalai University convocation address.


 “A world without beggar's outstretched palm, the miser's heartless stony stare, the piteous wail of want, the pallid face of crime, the livid lips of lies, the cruel eyes of scorn, a race without disease of flesh or brain, a land where life lengthens, fear dies, joy deepens, love intensifies and man regains his dignity” is what Arignar Anna dreamt of and Annaism stands for.


This noble goal set for Dravidian Movement to make its appeal universal was first incorporated in the Manifesto of Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam in its formative period. In fact at the very inception of that party two names emanated, one from Chennai and other one from Pondicherry. Anna DMK is the name given by Anagaputhur Ramalingam and DMK (Annaist) is the name given by N.Nandhivarman from Pondicherry. (Source: Dinamani front page top banner news 18.10.1972). MGR accepted the formation of the party later. The reason for Annaism to be set as goal was prompted by an experiment in Ghana by Nkrumah to create a scientific socialism suited to that soil.


Anna DMK formed a committee under Nanjil K.Manoharan to formulate policies and programme for the party. In the report submitted to that committee Pondicherry unit of Anna DMK had spelt out Annaism as the goal. ([Source: Indian Express 23.2.1973]


Mr.N.Nandhivarman entered politics in 1959 and became the Secretary of Dravidian Students Progressive Federation of Pondicherry [DMMK] in 1962. In 1967 he became the Organizer Pondicherry District DMK Students wing [DMMK] and in 1970 State Convener of Dravidian Students Progressive Federation [DMMK]. With this introductory remark New Times Observer, the only English weekly published since 1966 continuously from Pondicherry elicited Nandhivarman's reply on what is Annaism?


Annaism stands for universal affinity, equality, fraternity, liberty, honesty, purity, sincerity, morality and for socialism and democracy in their truest sense and meaning.


Within 2 months of Anna DMK's inception N.Nandhivarman was suspended from Pondicherry State Anna DMK leadership. The public reason in the first expulsion said it is for personal reasons. Later he joined DMK and remained in DMK till 1994. In 1996 when Dravida Peravai was floated "Annaism" emerged as the party's goal.


In search of redefining the goals of Dravidian Movement the new party listed out certain economic goals. One such goal of the party is single global currency. No one who espouses globalization will be ready to accept this because it cuts into the roots of speculative capitalism.


The first struggle was for safeguarding the ground water. By joining hands with certain individuals of Ashram, in the Supreme Court battle to relocate a water intensive distillery in the beach we won and shifted the 100 year old Government Distillery from Beach. Then joining hands with Narambai Fishermen's Panchayat the long drawn struggle to prevent a Multi National Corporation uprooting entire village to set up its shop followed. The list of struggles and their successes will be in a separate web site. Some web sites for immediate reference are given below.


The River Interlink Case:


Water Famine Ahead:



To augment struggles with research papers and articles had been a continuous pattern in Dravida Peravai's campaigns: We reproduce a Research Paper presented by N.Nandhivarman in the Seminar organized by Pondicherry Institute of Linguistics and Culture, affiliated to Pondicherry University:




Tamils lack sense of history. This inherent ingredient of the Tamil people is responsible for lack of recorded history at the time when every country woke up to construct its history on facts. We have to mainly depend on the literary evidences to write our history. The epic Silapathigaram gave us an insight into the landmass that is lost in the Indian Ocean.


Now we have other sources to confirm our literary references. With the knowledge explosion, thanks to the internet revolution, we get lot of information. To understand the past history of the Tamils inclusive of Pondicherry and to foresee its future we have to know about continental drifts and the theory of plate tectonics.


"The theory of continental drift that the continents move relative to one another was proposed by Alfred Wegener in 1910. It was not until 1945 that Arthur Holmes suggested a mechanism for the process-convection in the mantle. Complete evidences to convince more scientists those plate tectonics the movement of larger segments of the outermost shell of the earth as a mosaic of large rigid plates was not accomplished until the 1960's...."


The Department of Geological Sciences of the Canadian University of Saskatchewan in its web pages states that Plate Tectonics is the unifying theory that explains almost all the processes at work on the planet. To understand the evolution of our planet and to have a coherent idea on earthquakes, volcanoes, mountain belts, ocean basins and the topography of the sea floor, scholars are relying on the theory of plate tectonics.


Alfred Wagener known as the Father of Continental drift in his publication of 1912 said that " Looking at a global map it would appear that the continents could be brought together to fit like a jig saw puzzle" Mankind is one and this stands proven once again by the geological fact that continents were together at one time and drifted apart. Now everyone accepts that as solid upper Earth floats on astheno-sphere, the litho-sphere drifts".


The Earths crust since its formative years dating back to 4.6 million years is in constant motion. "Broken into a patchwork of plates and floating on currents in the fluid visco-plastic upper mantle beneath, the plates continuously collide and pull apart. The continental crust is significantly less dense than either oceanic crust or the upper mantle rocks. Some more proofs are given below.


The formation of Himalayan Mountains is due to the fact that Indian sub continent moving northwards buckling up material while colluding with the Asian continent. The scientists of the Earth Observatory of Columbia University New York confirm that the Indo-Australian plate south of Equator in the Indian Ocean area has broken into two and each is moving in one direction. In the last 50 million years Indian sub continent is drifting at 5 centimeters a year towards North. Tibetan plateau and Himalayas bear the brunt of this mounting pressure. The Altyn Tagh fault i.e. geo-fracture extends 2200 kilometers in Western China...........




Researchers in the Earth and Planetary Science letters state that instead of Earth's surface being divided into 12 major plates there are now 13 plates. In the latest research by Lamont-Doherty scientists about 8 million years ago the accumulated mass of Indian subcontinent became so great that the Indo-Australian plate buckled and broke under stress. The result of this crucial stage in the collision between India and Australia is the break up of Indo-Australian plate into separate Indian and Australian plates. In The Central Indian Ocean Nature is conducting a large scale experiment for us showing what happens to the oceanic lithosphere (earths outer layer) when force is applied. Using drilled samples in 1970 scientists discovered that a broad zone of the Indian Ocean floor stretching more than 960 kilometers from east to west along with the equator was compressed and deformed. They later found that the newly created seafloor had spread outward from the mid ocean ridges in the zone and theorized that the movement of seafloor could only be fitted in only if a distinct boundary existed between Indian and Australian plates... [On this in Dinamani Tamil daily 26.01.1996 Nandhivarman had written as "Meendum Thonruma Kumari kandam?"]


The changes that could happen have been a matter of speculation. Highlighting the gravity of the situation in THE OTHERSIDE October 1997 edited by George Fernandez, Nandhivarman wrote with specific thrust on Pondicherry as follows:




Pondicherry, a word born out of the Frenchman's tongue is a variation of the Tamil word 'Puthucheri' which means new settlement. Now at the fag end of this century we Pondicherrians have to engage in the quest for new settlements. The danger of becoming ecological refugees looms large. This is neither soothsaying nor a prophecy of doom. A forewarning to plan our resource use in a proper manner to avert this eventuality.


A Report on Ground Water survey and exploration in the Union territory of Pondicherry and its environs prepared by a team of experts of Central Ground Water Board (Southern Region-page 13) contains the following observations:


"The general strike of the cretaceous-Paleocene formations trends NE-SW with gentle dips ranging 2 to 5 towards Southeast. The Cuddalore sandstone formation though maintains the same strike, shows a dip up to 10. The cretaceous and Paleocene beds form an inliers having been exposed due to the denudation of the overlying Cuddalore formation which overlap them completely. A low angle fault trending in NNE-SSW direction is inferred from Mudrapalayam. This fault passes just west of the bore holes drilled by Oil and Natural Gas Commission at Mudrapalayam and Muratandichavadi which when extended passes close to Rayapudukuppam where the rocks show high and irregular dips. Probably this fault takes a swerve towards North East beyond Rayapudukuppam and runs along the out crop contact between the Manaveli and Kadaperikuppam formations met with in the Oil and Natural Gas Commission bore hole at Murattandichavadi is marked by breocinted clay stone indicating probably a fault zone. The limited thickness of Kadeperikuppam formation in the bore holes at Koluvari, Mudrapalayam and Muratanndichavadi appears to be the result of the aforesaid faulting. It is presumed that this fault is met with much below at depth further north of slim hole at Alankuppam.


Photo-geological study has also confirmed the existence of a fault to the west of the coast line a straight scarp running almost parallel to Pondicherry-Marakanam East Coast Road. This straight coast line is also indicative of some structural dislocation.


These observations made since 1973 contain the shocking news about faults otherwise known as geo fractures. Dr.S.M.Ramasamy Director of the Center for Remote Sensing of Bharathidasan University explaining the findings on his project River Migration Tamil Nadu in the interview to The Hindu says


But the East-North-East-West-South-West trending faults on the contrary are showing left handed (sinistral) ongoing translational movements and again the North-West-South-East trending faults are showing right handed (extral) translation movement. Such sinisterly and dextrally moving faults display definite morph tectonic anomalies in the remotely sensed data and also in the field. In addition there is a conspicuous land subsidence between Pondicherry in the North-East and Cumbum valley in the South-West.


The same scholar in an article in the Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing dated September 1993 observed:


One such graben has been established along NE-SW trending faults in between Pondicherry- Cuddalore in the North East and Cumbum Valley in the South west ( Kodaikanal and Cumbum Valley).. It is significant to observe that the earthquake epicenters fall along such NE-SW trending fault in Pondicherry, Cuddalore, Ariyalur, Dindigul and Kodaikanal.


The findings of the Central Ground water Board and the findings based on the photographs taken by remote sensing have confirmed the existence of faults. I.e. geofractures and the earthquake epicenters in Pondicherry.


Let us seek the same scholar’s advice on actions to be taken.


The present analysis shows that the NE trending quaternary faults and the NE-SW trending quaternary reactivated faults are seismicity prone in Tamil Nadu. Hence care must be taken in avoiding developmental activities in the form of urbanization, industrialization and also construction engineering structures. Hence it can be concluded that mainly quaternary fracture systems and our quaternary reactivated pre Cambrian faults are pollution accentuating fractures in Tamil Nadu (Pondicherry) and hence pollution discharging industries should be avoided along NS trending fault systems.


Science is issuing a forewarning. Scientists have suggested steps to prevent calamities. We the citizens of Pondicherry must be concerned over these findings. Highlighting these is intended to harm none but to forewarn. Dravida Ilaignar Peravai had taken up with the Union Minister of Forests and Environment on 2.12.1995 the need to scientifically study the geofracture. Pondicherry Administration also is apprised of this through a memorandum submitted on 12-12.1995.


I appeal to the environmentalists of our country in particular to generate sufficient awareness in the corridors of power forcing our Administration to set up a team of scientists to study the geo fracture, the evil effects of pollution discharging industries. the way to arrest our ground water depletion etc.


The depletion of ground water will not only result in salt water intrusion but also will aggravate the geofracture. In fact most of our coastal villages suffer from salt water intrusion. We are getting ground water in all the colors of the rainbow, due to the contamination of ground water by pollution discharging industries. Eachangadu a tiny coastal village with 250 families even today gets water in the color of engine oil from its bore pumps. Our party's campaign led to the closure of the polluting industry in February but even after 6 months villagers suffer without clean drinking water.........


These issues were ignored. Later by 2000 when there were tremors and when in 2004 tsunami struck our coasts, some people recalled our forewarnings made from a decade ago.


And now when waves lash our coasts, drawing attention to the Sea Coast erosion N.Nandhivarman wrote an article in The New Indian Express of 4.06.2005. We reproduce it here because it shows in past decade we continue to focus on Green Issues.





Nowadays seas frighten the fisher folk. For centuries fisher folk had established unassailable bond of love with seas, but in post tsunami phase every change in the sea causes nightmare. The sea recedes and people become panicky. Waves enter villages lashing out the beaches. People run hither thither for safety. Kanyakumari to Cuddalore almost for a week people of the coast spent sleepless nights and anxious days. This scenario had wakened up the social thinkers and scientists to look for solutions to coastal erosion. Changes due to continental drift are inevitable. Here too if we look at the projections made by scientists, the future world map of 100 million years and 250 million years show changes in India’s position but India always remain attached to the Asian continent. This should be viewed with consolation, because in past India was an island nation separated from Asia.


 “Our planet is a tri-axial ellipsoid, moving around the Sun in an elliptical orbit at 30 kilometers per second and rotating around its axis at 1,666 kilometers per hour which is faster than speed of sound. Such high speed rotation has resulted in polar areas being compressed towards the center and equatorial areas being bulged out” says Professor Vishal Sharma. Apart from these changes the coast of Tamil Nadu had undergone variations in the past but the present causes more concern. As per a study by the School of Earth Sciences of Bharathidasan University “Before 1.5 million years ago Sea extended up to Madurai. Around 90,000 years before Chennai, Pondicherry and Vedranyam were encircled by seas. Since sea level subsided 65,000 years ago India and Ceylon got connected. When sea level rose by 27,000 years ago both parted and when it fell by 17,000 years before joined again to part again". And amidst panic reaction to such studies, if we look at the map of coastal changes in Tamil Nadu, one could know that the coast instead of moving inwards had extended seawards. This is enough to give us fresh hope for survival braving the fury of Nature.




The sea erosion of coast is not an India specific problem. "More than 80 percent of the world shorelines are eroding at the rates varying from centimeters to meters per year." says Orrin.H.Pelkey, Professor of Geology and Director of the Program for the study of Developed Shorelines in the Duke University, North Carolina, USA. He had authored two books and one of its titles has a message to all of us. “Living by the Rules of the Sea" is his book and it is high time we learn to live by the rules of the seas. 


A walk in the beach and breathing its salubrious breeze is world wide habit. But how many of those who visit beaches is aware on how beaches are formed? People are worried about erosion. But it is a fact that without erosion beaches could not be formed. "Without the process of erosion, we would not have beaches, dumes, barrier beaches and the highly productive bays and estuaries that owe their existence to the presence of barrier beaches" opines Jim O'Connell, the Coastal Processes Specialist of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Well erosion might have helped beach formation, but it is sending alarm bells from Kanyakumari to Chennai and beyond. Let us look for some scholarly opinion in this regard. After a close study at the Pitchavaram forests near Chidambaram, M.S.Swaminathan Research Foundation reveals that "in between 1930 and 1970, the seashore had eroded by 550 meters. Between 1970 and 1992 the rate of erosion was about 12 meters." The writing on the wall is clear. In past Sirkazhi was a coastal town, which now is interior by kms. The Harbour of Choza Empire, Poompuhar is now beneath the seas. At present warning from Pitchavaram must awaken us. 


Apart from facing Nature's onslaughts with preventive measures, human errors too needs to be corrected. Sand is the food for beaches, and it is needless to say that our rivers are not supplying that food to the beaches. Human exploitation and drying of rivers depletes sand supply to beaches. Interlinking of rivers as often advised by our President A.P.J.Abdul Kalama will not only solve water crisis but will save dying beaches. 


Sea level rise is primarily due to the thermal expansion of the sea water and melting of the glaciers and ice caps. Artic Climate Impact assessment by 250 scientists says that “global warming is heating the Artic almost twice as fast as rest of the planet” United Nations sponsored Inter Governmental panel on climate change will be bringing out its fourth assessment by 2007. Changing Winds and currents in the Indian Ocean in 1990’s contributed to the global warming says a NASA study in the Geophysical Research Letters. The recent lashing of waves of Tamil Nadu coast was triggered by a storm near Australia, scientists say.


The National Hurricane Center of USA reports that “hurricanes release heat energy at the rate of 50 trillion to 200 trillion watts. This is equivalent to 10 mega ton nuclear bomb exploding about every 20 minutes.” But we in India are in one way lucky. Our coast will not be hit by hurricanes. Our cyclones are less intense. Storms that hit continental America have almost the full width of Atlantic Ocean to gain strength, since our cyclones emanate from Bay of Bengal there is neither room nor time for them to grow, and this natural phenomenon helps us in one way.


 Global warming also causes rise in sea level inundating coastal areas. We must know that most of the ice sheet rests on land that's below sea level. At a point called the "grounding line" it starts floating, thus displacing its own weight in water. And as it turns out, the line may not move much because the flow of the ice streams seems to be restrained by friction against rocks at the bottom and sides rather than the ice shelf. So if the ice shelf melts, the flow of the streams should not change appreciably. And since the volume added to the ocean depends on how much ice moves from land to water -- as determined by the grounding line -- the upshot seems to be relative stability. "The ice streams do not appear to be susceptible to the kind of unstable retreat once envisaged," says Bentley. "Their flow is largely insensitive to the presence of the ice shelf so the grounding line would remain the same."  Instead of possibly collapsing in 100 years, as was considered possible 10 years ago, Bentley says the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is more likely to collapse -- if at all -- in perhaps 5,000 years at the soonest. By this scientific prediction it becomes evident that sea level rise by global warming too will not cause more harm in near future, if we are well prepared for it with preventive measures. If governments have plans for beach nourishment with vegetation, which is the cheapest preventive measure, it will go a long way in arresting coastal erosion. Our survival instincts will save us in planet Earth, but let us strive to survive with forethought.


Courtesy: The New Indian Express-week end 4.06.2005


Environmentalists are not anti developmental people. Dravida Peravai had mooted many developmental plans, discussed it with Planning Commission Member Dr.S.B.Gupta and met the Union Minister for State of External Affairs Digvijay Singh to urge for the TENTH DEGREE CANAL PROJECT. This was published in center page of Dinamani in al edition coverage with New Delhi dateline.




August 15 th 2003, from Pondicherry Dravida Peravai wrote a letter to the Lt.Governor of Andaman and Nicibar Mr.N.N.Jha on the need to dig a canal in Thailand connecting Bay of Bengal and Gulf of Siam. It also urged that such Indo-Thailand joint venture be named as Thamizhan Calvaay. (Daily Thanthi 15.08.2003). Then Dinamani dated 28.08.2003 stated that a memorandum for construction of a " New Canal for benefiting Chennai and Tuticorin Harbor’s” had been handed over to the Union Minister of State for External Affairs Mr.Digvijay Singh. Mr.Singh lauded this project which will reduce 1500 nautical miles to reach South China Seas. Then Dravida Peravai sent Memorandums to Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Thailand Prime Minister Thakashin Shinawatra on 3.11.2003. The contents of that memorandum are given here.


 Dear Respected Prime Ministers


You may be aware that the Suez Canal (1869) and Panama Canal (1915), Sethusamudram Canal (1860) and the Tenth degree canal have been mooted to create short navigational routes to bring prosperity to respective regions and countries. The French initiative to build Siene-Norde Canal is an example for the keen interest evinced by developed countries to promote trade and overall development. Since the recent visit of The Indian Prime Minister had given tremendous boos to the cooperation between India and Thailand, Dravida Peravai is bringing to your knowledge certain historical facts with the humble request to you both to take an active interest for the construction of the Tenth Degree Canal, which can bring prosperity to Andaman and Nicobar islands of India and Thailand apart from boosting bilateral trade.


You must go back to the pages of history to know that Thailand then known as Siam is an enemy country of the British and an ally of the Japan during the World War II. On the conclusion of the Second World War one of the last secretive acts performed by the colonial Government of India was the signing of a Peace Treaty with Siam [Thailand]. A Peace Treaty between Her Majesty's Government and the Government of India on one hand and the Kingdom of Siam on the other on January 1, 1946 at the Government House Singapore. The signatories were for the Britain Mr. Moberly Dening, political adviser of Lord Louis Mount batten for the Government of India M, S.Aney AND for Siam Prince Viwat Anajai Jaiyant, Lt.General Phya Abhai Songramm and Nai Serm Vinichayakul. This treaty contains 24 articles. Out of this Article 7 assumes great importance in context of this letter.


Article 7: Siam undertakes to construct NO CANAL linking the Indian Ocean and Gulf of Siam [i.e. across the Kra of Isthmus] without British consent. [Keesing’s Contemporary Archives 1946-47 Vol VI p 7695]. This article had done great havoc to Indian shipping costing our nation billions of extra money by way of fuel imports, in view of shelving of the Tenth Degree Canal by imposing a condition in the Peace Treaty. It has also blocked the economic prosperity of Thailand and held up the development process by half a century and more.


Hence Dravida Peravai urges the Government of India and Government of Thailand to look into the unfavorable condition imposed by a colonial rule that too at the threshold of a defeat in World War II. It is in the interests of India and Thailand that a Canal be cut across the Isthmus of Kra where Isthmus narrows to just 75 miles and to develop this canal vigorously so that a detour of 1500 nautical miles down the Malayan coast via Straits of Malacca and up the Gulf of Thailand in the South China Sea is avoided.


The proposed tenth degree canal will be an extension of the tenth degree channel of Andaman Nicobar islands. The opening of Tenth Degree canal will save millions of tons of fuel for world shipping. Tenth Degree Canal will reduce the importance of Panama and Suez Canals. Tenth Degree Canal would develop Andaman and Nicobar islands and bring prosperity to its economy. The opening of this canal will also benefit Indian Ports like Haldia, Paradip, Vizag, Chennai and Tuticorin.


There are more than 138 minor and intermediary ports under the control of various state governments in India. If Indian Government creates a National Seaway Authority and permits private sector vessels to transport cargo and passengers connecting all Indian ports, these 138 minor and intermediary ports which are inoperable will be busting with activity.................So continues the memorandum.


It must be noted that Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee spoke about "Sagarmala" scheme which is nothing but National Seaway mooted by Dravida Peravai before Planning Commission and other forums.


The future will evaluate all and we have submitted about our activities for future to decide. Tamils must understand that Anna the visionary had left a legacy and it will always remain looking forward for the human upward march towards rational progress.



 N.Nandhivarman General Secretary


Posted by dravidaperavai at 6:28 PM
Updated: October 2, 2008 6:52 PM
Post Comment | Permalink
September 19, 2008




Race has no genetic base. All are equals. The racial superiority is a myth. Times of India dated 1st November 2004 wrote: “The genetic basis of race and the superiority of one of them over the other died a sudden death during the 1936 Aryan supremacy Olympics in Berlin. That was when Jesse Owens, a black US athlete, exploded in the track and field events. He won four gold medals and broke a number of world records simultaneously. Hitler refused to shake hands with him and instead stormed out of stadium in disgust at the star’s triumph over his much hyped Nordic Caucasian team. This opened the most disastrous chapter of the modern 20th century eugenic movement. It also led to the renewed politicization of race.”


Hitler might have been defeated but his mentality of imagining that his race is superior over others is still a disease not erased from human minds. The Aurobindonians imagine they are superior human beings, having got the visa to enter the land of super men and super women. Even in the defeat of Hitler it is not the armed forces of the combined democratic forces that were responsible, these men in ashram, will write their own World History. The lady with occult powers flew in her wings, all the way from Pondicherry to Berlin, sneaked into the mind of Hitler and made him open two fronts against Russia and America at the same time instead of defeating one after the another, and this occult powered master-plan, led to the defeat of Hitler the Auro-dreamers will write in their own version of world history. Their history cannot be accepted as truth. Similarly their dream to attain superman status just by chanting, praying and yogic exercise and sexercise is not realizable.


Scientists have recently proved, particularly neurologists that with non-invasive brain computer interfaces, a person can perform an action just by thinking about it. This is how this seemingly fantastical innovation works: A person wears and electrode cap which detects electroencephalographic [EEG] activity in the brain from the scalp. The electrodes are placed over the sensory part of the brain. In other words we can now turn to technology to help us mind control. This would enhance the quality of life for people with severe spinal injuries or illness like cerebral palsy, affording them greater independence. Jonathan Wolpaw and his team, invented the early invasive brain computer interfaces said that they are giving the brain the opportunity to develop a motor skill” Science and scientists alone are doing yeomen service to humanity, not the yogis. Yoga is just like physical exercise, nothing more. All yogis have perished, none conquered death. They may have preached noble goals but that were never attained. Yet the Aurobindo Ashram Trust got tax exemption for “scientific research” thanks to the unscientific approval of people like Dr.Karan Singh. All these years what research they did? What is the result? In what way it benefited society? Similarly they are behind the dangerous concept of creating an international city called Auroville. These day dreamers club thinks that the occult powers acquired by Mirra Alfassa, who is no more will prove all their dreams as scientifically viable, possible and attainable. The human unity is not possible as long as anyone thinks he is an Arya, a race superior on earth like Hitler imagined.


The question will arise, and then how come you call yourself as Dravidian? The inception of the Dravidian movement started with the coining of the word Dravida to denote a language group. Then it became a word to counter the word Arya, which claimed superiority over other human beings. Now we live in a world where race is proven to be a false notion. In Front Line magazine [July 18-2003] my friend Dr.Subramanian Swamy wrote a hard hitting article against Dravidian movement. Only two Dravidian parties replied. The General Secretary of Dravida Kazhagam Mr.K.Veeramani and me, General Secretary of Dravida Peravai. Let me quote from my reply:


“So to accept humanity is one and the world is one, science had to unearth mysteries. The common gene in every human being had also proven that the theories of race are culture oriented. While race is disproved, both Aryan and Dravidian theories have to die. Perhaps Dr.Swamy wants the Aryan concept to die, and if that were the case, one can welcome to some extent his wishful thinking. The Second World War waged by Hitler propounding the supremacy of the Aryan race, which he demonstrated by the killings of millions of Jews, still remind us that whoever claims supremacy over fellow human beings in the name of the race of his birth will be taught a befitting lesson by mankind.”  This is what I wrote. Give up the racial superiority notion and the connected word Arya, used by Aurobindo Ghosh. We will shed the counter-word, the armour against superiority among human beings theory, namely the Dravidian shield. As science progresses when our intellect gets enlightened why cling to words and wrong notions. Similarly the word Hindu. Today it denotes only a religion. It was derived from the word Indus, denoting the people of Indus Valley Civilization. We believe that Indus Valley Civilization is Dravidian civilization. Then the word Hindu should only mean us the Dravidians. If we concede, the invasion, in larger context it will also include Aryans, but now it is being used as a word only to describe a religion. Religions had different names. Saivaism, Vaishnavism, Buddhism, Sikkism etc. The common word to mean Indian people, Indus Valley people is in usage narrowed to a religious context. Otherwise we have no enmity to any words. Its meaning, its usage and how it fits us in the humanity, alone matters. If we are to be slaves under the Order of Manu, if few claim they are above all in humanity, there comes the conflict. The Dalit uprising seen all over India is our fault. We, Dravidians separated them from our villages and built caste walls. We borrowed the Aryan mentality, degrading our kinsmen, which now witnesses Dalit assertion in Indian politics and society.


In Srilanka, a group thinks they belong to a separate race. There is no Sinhalese race, yet on that basis human sufferings continue for decades, about which the recent book narrates:


'Conversations in a Failing State'


Towards the end of 19th century, the renowned American writer Mark Twain visited Colombo. While he was admiring the plurality of colour in the native dresses, somewhere in Pettah, he saw native children coming out of an English school, in line, in white uniform and in the same hairdo. ‘What an ugly scene’, he wrote, being sad at the way colonial institutions depriving natives of their pluralism. More than a century later, Patrick Lawrence, another American, comes to Sri Lanka to record the net results, a failed nationalism and a failed state, as consequences of the loss of pluralism.


Almost unbelievably for a nation with so many advantages and so much promise, it was a legitimate question by 2006 whether Sri Lanka could be called 'a failed state,' writes Patrick Lawrence in his recent book ‘Conversations in a Failing State’, brought out by Hong Kong based Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) in March 2008.


Mr. Patrick Lawrence was correspondent, commentator and editor in Asia for more than twenty-five years working for the International Herald Tribune, New Yorker and the Far Eastern Economic Review. The present publication is a result of his study as Senior Rapporteur for the AHRC.


Excerpts from some of his interesting observations follow:


 Back to Tamil Nadu, to southern India.


 Going back is a recurring theme among some Sinhalese. In 1981, just after the burning of the Jaffna Library, a legislator from the U. N. P. said of the Tamils in a parliamentary debate, “If there is discrimination in this land, which is not their homeland, then why try to stay here? Why not go back home, where there would be no discrimination? There you have your culture, your education, universities, et cetera. There you are masters of your own fate… It would be advisable for the Tamils not to disturb the sleeping Sinhalese brother…. Everyone knows that lions, when disturbed, are not peaceful.”


On Sri Lankan historiography


The past in Sri Lanka has been both despoiled and neglected. And it is the despoiled and neglected past, not history, which Sri Lankans carry in their minds. The paradox is plain: History matters in Sri Lanka, but there is no history.


Instead there is a mythical past, the past of Vijaya, the legendary voyager from northern India who, with seven hundred companions, is said to have come to Sri Lanka sometime in the fifth century B. C., whereupon the Sinhalese became Sinhalese. This is the past of great kings and great stones and great tanks. It is the past of we-were-here-first and ours-was-the-great-civilization. It is not a human narrative; it is not inhabited in the way history is by definition and certainly not by those we now call the indigenous, who arrived at least ten millennia before Vijaya. There is Vijaya, of course, who enters the narrative by way of a text on a plaque [in the National Museum, Colombo]:


The transition from Pre– and Proto–history to the historical period in Sri Lanka begins with the Indo–Aryan settlers headed by the legendary ruler Vijaya from North India around the 5th century B. C., thus commencing the Sinhalese race.


This is sloppy logic and very sloppy writing—sloppy and provocative. There is the problematic word “legendary.” Are we acquiring a notion of history in these galleries, or a creation myth?


Then the problem of “the Sinhalese race.” By even the most lenient of definitions, the Sinhalese are not remotely a race. And the scholars of our time are moving further and further away from any such notion: Contemporary thinking is such that the very notion of race is losing its validity. In any case, one has never heard of a heroic adventurer arriving somewhere and “commencing” a race. It is, prima facie, an impossible idea. [Chapter 11]


On Burning the Jaffna Library


The most fateful fire in Sri Lankan history occurred in the city of Jaffna, in the far north, in 1981. It was set on the first of three nights of anti-Tamil violence and destruction that resembled a pogrom, in the center of the Tamil community. Apart from the death toll, which was six, the greatest casualty was the Jaffna Library.


It is natural that those of Tamil extraction would mourn the loss of their library for many years, as many Tamils did. But the true loss was larger still than it was commonly understood to be. Jaffna Library was not only, or even primarily, a Tamil institution. Understood properly, it was Sri Lankan. It stood for the multicultural mosaic of the nation. As a national treasure, Sinhalese ought to have celebrated it just as much as Tamils did. In the burning of the Jaffna Library we must recognize not only an attack on an ethnic population, but the annihilation of public space. [Chapter 4]


On the Upcountry Tamils


As the founding prime minister he quickly turned government into a kind of family business. Senanayake himself was also minister of defense and foreign affairs. His son, Dudley, was agriculture minister; his nephew, John Lionel Kotalawala, was commerce minister, and his cousin J. R. Jayewardene, the future president, held the finance portfolio. One of the first important acts of this family enterprise came in a series of three bills enacted in 1948 and 1949. These laws effectively disenfranchised Tamils working on the tea estates in central Ceylon. [Chapter 1]


The plantation workers are still predominantly Tamil—poor, mostly unorganized, living in minimal conditions on the estates. Once you know the immense suffering that made these places what they are, it is impossible to drink tea again in the same way, or to look in the same way at the rows of tea bushes as they roll over the hilltops like the undulations of ocean swells. They are a beautiful sight, but too much pain and deprivation has been sacrificed for them to be beautiful and nothing more. [Chapter 7]


Conclusion: Tamils are the worst sufferers of the racial supremacy theory. For centuries we have suffered and still bleeding under the war machine of genocide. Let the curse called race be sent to catacomb. Let us all unite as human beings. But let Indian government not allow a group to imagine they are super species experimenting to reach the next ladder in evolution and further push Tamils in their own soil into slave mentality and make them second class citizens.


N.Nandhivarman, General Secretary, Dravida Peravai


Posted by dravidaperavai at 7:30 AM
Updated: September 19, 2008 7:38 AM
Post Comment | Permalink
September 1, 2008



Mr. Chancellor, Mr. Pro-Chancellor Mr. Vice- Chancellor, Graduates of the Year and Friends:


Thankful as I am for the unique honor conferred on me by this institution, it is not without hesitation as a good deal of trepidation that I stand before this august assembly to-day to deliver the Convocation address, for though it is a pleasure to be present on the happy occasion of greeting the graduates of the year and wishing them all a bright and prosperous future, it is not an easy task to place before them appropriate guidelines-conscious as I am of my own limitations and aware of the eminence of those who stood at this rostrum in the past and gave weighty and worthy advice to the graduates. Stalwarts in various walks of life, scholars of erudition and experience, administrators of rare abilities, have all been here to deliver instructive discourses, and I do not for a moment imagine that I have the capacity to add any thing substantial to what has been already said by those who preceded me. I am convinced therefore that to be called upon to deliver this  address is not so much an invitation as a command to me bestow the most careful and considered thought on the role of Universities in general and of the Annamalai University in particular.


The fact that I am conscious of my own limitations gives me a sense of relief, for attempt I shall not to offer original ideas or theories with a special stamp, but only reiterate some of the cardinal principles enunciated by those who offered their a advice in past years, perhaps with annotations here and there, bringing to bear the lay-man’s point of view to the findings of experts in various fields connected with education.


This is the age of the common man-whatever the regrets some might have –and it’s his point of view that matters most and I do claim to represent him in all his ruggedness.


Systems and schools of thought, whether it is in philosophy or politics, ethics or economics, are certainly meant for him. Of course, the interpretation should come from scholars and experts and the art of translating them into every day activity is to be undertaken by the administrators. Universities, as the repositories of knowledge and the nursing ground for the emissaries of thought wisdom and service, have got a prominent  role to play-and the prominence is growing every day, as more and more individuals get themselves equipped for the task of bettering society in all its age when we have eschewed monarchy and autocracy and have inaugurated the era of democracy.


During the monarchical or feudal days, Universities had to train scholars and poets to adorn the chambers of Royalty or the gilded mansions of Lord and nobles and their wisdom was meant for the mansion, not for the market place. Those were days when numbers did not count, nor were eminent scholars asked to face the problems confronting the masses. They were content to work in secluded spheres, far from the din and noise of the common man and weave the costly fabric of philosophy of poetry which on turn was to be converted into dazzling garments for the select and the privileged.


The role of the University to-day is not cloistered and confined as in the past. Its function has been enlarged-not in its fundamentals but in its domain. It has to take into account the commonness, but to trim and train, guide and lead him, for asked to do his duty as the citizen of a democracy-a task which kindles sweet hopes but which demands, patience and perseverance, faith and confidence, faith in himself and in others and confidence in his inherent ability to shoulder the responsibilities. The common man has become the birth place of a potential ruler and the duty today, the responsibility today of the universities is to fashion out of him as an individual fitted and equipped for the task of making democracy fruitful and effective.


I said that the duties and responsibilities of Universities have grown in dimension and scope, but pointed out that the fundamentals remain unaltered and these fundamentals are of permanent value and of perennial interest. The supreme task before the University is to give those who seek a vision of knowledge in its true proportions and perspectives, to maintain the sovereignty of ideas and ideals in the world. A balanced mind, the ability to discriminate between what is merely trivial and what is important, the capacity to look at a problem from all its angles without fear or favour, to be tolerant of the other man’s point of view. These are fundamentals which are unalterable and it’s only the universities that can provide society with a continuous stream of men and women endowed with these qualities.


While addressing the University of Brussels, Dr.s.Radhakrishnan, our former president, made the following statement:


“For its proper functioning democracy requires more qualities than other forms of government. It is in the universities that we can develop the true spirit of democracy, appreciation of other points of view and adjustment of differences through discussions. It can be kept healthy and strong by the exercise of individual responsibility and universities we have to re-call the struggles of the past and realize the perils and possibilities, the challenges and opportunities, of the present.”


Democracy is not a form of government alone –it is an invitation to a new life-an experiment in the art of sharing responsibilities and benefits-an attempt to generate the common task. Hence we cannot afford to waste a single talent, improverish a single man or woman or allow a single individual to be stunted in growth or held under tyranny and the universities should through the graduates it sends forth year after year, annihilate the forces that attempt at aggrandizement and tyranny, fight against caste and hypocrisy and enthrone human dignity.


Graduates of the year, I wish you all a prosperous future-for, after all, the immediate concern of every individual, graduate or no graduate, is to acquire the means for a decent living. That is the first motivation for all human activity and no one can ignore it, but that ought not to be the sole objective. Something higher and nobler than mere individual material advancement is expected of you – for remember that this University education is a privilege that you enjoy, for which you are deeply indebted to the community of which you are a member. Most of the money needed for maintaining institutions of higher education come from the revenues collected from the community through the State, and a good proportion of that revenue comes from the tillers and the toilers, men who did not enjoy this privilege, men who willingly submit themselves to discomfort, so that they can enable the next generation to lead a better life. Graduates of the Annamalai University, may I ask you, how you are going to repay – what is to be your contribution to the social chest on which you have drawn so largely. Unless you replenish it richly, coming generations will find only an empty coffer. Your superior education increases your responsibility to society and therefore, apart from or along with your own individual advancement, society has got a right to expect an adequate return from you – not so much in terms of money as in terms of service – in toning up society, in bringing light into the dark alleys, sunshine into dingy places, solace into the afflicted, hope unto the despondent and a new life unto every one.


That this is a welcome and worthy ideal none would dispute, but not every one will come forward to translate that ideal into action – and yet our ancient as well as modern thinkers have all stated in unmistakable terms that wisdom is manifested in action.


Unless service is the outcome, the sermons become sweet nothings. As Jefferson stated,

“We must dream of an aristocracy of achievements arising out of a democracy of opportunities”


And when I seek your help and co-operation in the supreme task of serving society, please do not wink and smile and say, it is all so easy to say. I am not unaware of the difficulties in the way, nor am I going to brush aside the influence of the environment on you. May be, the world in which you are to begin the journey is one which will dim your hope, disturb your determination. You may come face to face with the unpleasant sight of practices widely differing from the principles inculcated in you. You may find self-seekers enthroned and the patient worker decried. Tyranny of all sorts may stare at you and every step you take will be a struggle. I admit that the environment is such that even people with robust optimism will be discouraged and forced to take to the part of ease and comfort.


But, we should also realize that a continuous stream of men and women endowed with the spirit of service has been carrying on the crusade successfully and have conferred rich benefit on humanity.We, the Tamilians have been holding aloft this ideal for more than two thousand years and hence we find in pura nanuru .


As inheritors of that rich legacy, you are best fitted to overcome even the environment and serve society to the best of your abilities,


Anyone, who proposes to do good must not expect people to roll stones out of his way, but must accept his lot calmly if they even roll a few more upon it. A strength which becomes clearer and stronger through its experience of such obstacles is the only strength that can conquer them – says Albert Schweitzer.


Though the problems in various countries are of a similar nature, the peculiarity attached to the problems of our country is of a pronounced nature.


Ours is not case of starting from scratch-had that been the case the only thing needed would have been the intensity of effort to be put forth. Ours is a case of erosion of the mind – we are not in search of fields, but have to engage in the task of fertilizing it, irrigating it, we are not in search of ideals, but are engaged in the more intricate task of classifying, codifying and verifying layers of ideals. We are not wanting in culture-but have to cleanse it from the cob-web of time and de-adulterate it. In short, we have to re-discover ourselves, and re-construct our entire thought. Once task to-day is to allow fresh air and sunshine and regain the original shape and stature – that which made us well


Known is distant lands and climes.Our literature, art and architecture are fine specimens of human intelligence – but they bear the ravages of time and also the effect of currents and cross currents so that to-day we have to listen to the foreign historian or scholar in order to realize the “glory and grandeur” of our own country.


Age commands veneration –but unless it is recuperated, decay sets in. our culture and civilization are hoary, but we have allowed scars and wrinkles to disfigure them. It is our duty therefore to re-discover and re-construct what is ours and enrich it by drawing liberally upon the achievements of other countries.


Our problem is not want of a system –in any branch of knowledge. We have fine specimens in all spheres. We claim also –and that rightly –immortality for our systems, but we have not succeeded in keeping them fresh and young, effective and energetic, for we have allowed them to decay.


If a system has to endure, says, Dr.Radhakrishnan, it must be perpetually young and ready to change. In other words, it must be capable of accepting new ideas, have the resilience of mind which the young have, have the openness, flexibility and spirit of adventure by which they accept what is given to them and transform it out of recognition.


Eos, a goddess falling in love with a mortal, prayed to god to grant immortality to the lover-‘yes’, said god, and the mortal gained immortality. But he grew old, infirm, senile, decayed –and what was a feast once to the eyes of Eos became a sight to shun and grieve over –and he who gained immortality longed for death – for what is life if it becomes a prey to decay? Then Eos sighed and said, “I prayed for immortality for my lover, forgetting to pray for perpetual youth.”


We in this country are facing some such situation – and we are in charge of the task of rejuvenating our culture and civilization – our entire thought, instead of attempting that, we have been, for too long a period, doting upon the decayed forms attempting to defend them from critics and currents of new thought. And while other parts of the world, after persistent and patient search after truth, have arrived at new conclusions and are scaling new heights, we are content to sit near the shattered rampart and narrate past glory.


Our religion has degenerated into rituals, our society which was once classless and casteless has degenerated into water –tight compartments of caste and creed and all the while, we have kept either silent or have been supplying defense to superstition and orthodoxy by offering liberal allowing this state of affairs to exist, despite condemnation and protest, and, more than that, whenever a doughty warrior comes forth to fight against the evils prevalent, we decry and denounce him as an annihilator of noble values and hoary systems. Periyar Ramasami represents and symbolizes the fury and frustration in a sizable section of society at this state of affairs. To allow systems to degenerate and at the same time denounce those who champion the cause of rationalism is but to perpetuate superstition and orthodoxy and allow this society of ours to get decomposed.


Universities offer the proper forum for a free and full discussion of these intricate problems and graduates trained here are to go forth as emissaries of that social reconstruction which is long over due. The country looks to centers of learning like this


Universities to enable the people to pursue the path of progress, braving difficulties and if need be, courting danger.


Graduates of the Annamalai University, let me call upon you to carry on the crusade against caste which cannot co-exist with democracy, against superstition which cannot co-exist with science and against tyranny of various dimensions which cannot co-exist with liberty, equality and fraternity.


Pursuing vocations for your and your families’ well being, you have to perform your duty towards society. You are to become torch – bearers of rationalism – and rationalism does not mean repudiation of basic and fundamental truths and maxims, but the annihilation of dubious modes of thought and action. You have to work hard and with daring and dash, for we have to clear cob-webs which are centuries old and let reason reign supreme.


Another peculiar feature of our times is the fact that we are a nation in the making, and if in their anxiety to forge integration, some confuse unity with uniformity, it is the duty of men trained here to clearly enunciate the principle and see to it that, in the name of unity, no part of the country is made to become the vassal of another part-knowingly or unknowingly. We cannot be a party to foul play, however worthy the goal. Just on the eve of independence Rajaji stated with an acumen all his own, “our political experiment is really like melting iron and metals and pouring them in to a crucible and making an alloy, an alloy which can stand wear and tear . It is not like the chinaware that other people have turned out in their countries. Their democracies were easy to make – like plastics. But we are dealing with metals.” National integration is a goal, worthy and much – sought after, but neither in the field of language nor in the economic sphere, could we tolerate injustice and domination. That is exactly why this government was brought into existence – it represents the determination of the people to be coerced into accepting Hindi as the official language.


When we plead for the continuance of English as the link language, some people do misrepresent us and misinterpret our motive. They trot out untenable arguments and disputable statistics, bring in the bogey of disintegration and want to silence people by threats and troops. Problems were never solved by autocratic methods – and this problem of language is intimately connected with our way of life, not for the present alone but for the future as well.


The government of Tamilnadu has stated in unmistakable terms that Tamil and English can serve all our purposes, the former as the official language of this state and the latter as the link language. If it is accepted and the most emphatic of Hindi protagonists do accept that - if it is accepted that English can serve admirably as a link between our state and the outside world, why plead for Hindi to be the link language here? What serves to link us with the outside world is certainly capable of rendering the same service inside India as well. To plead for two link languages is like boring a smaller hole in a wall for the kitten while there is a bigger one for the cat. What suits the cat will suit the kitten as well


English is foreign, some argue, as if we were out to destroy or give up everything foreign. We bring foreign wear in foreign ships. We seek foreign aid not only in the shape of money bur also in the from of technical know-how and not a week passes without one or other leader undertaking a journey to the west or east to secure whatever aid is possible to secure. And on top of all these things, we have given up so many systems peculiarly our own.


We are not content with rural economy, we want Trombays and Ennores. And we are not conscious of their being foreign; only in the matter of language we pose as being ultra –nationalists and dub the English language as foreign.


Shelly and Byron, Keats and Coleridge, Emerson and Bacon-they are not foreign to us in the strict sense of the term. Is Tiruvalluvar a mere Tamilian? They are all world citizens – world teachers. And the language enshrining their thoughts is not to be discarded just because it comes from another country. That we are not going to accord a higher status to English is borne out by the fact that we have accepted and are implementing with due caution the principle of making Tamil the medium of instruction in colleges –progressively.


University education is an epitome of all that is best in thought cultivated in various countries, and from you should radiate universal thought and cosmopolitan ideas.


And if we are to get all these and more from out of the graduates of the University we have to re-examine the methods in vogue in universities, in teaching and in administration, and so perfect them that every student feels that he is a co-sharer of the pleasure and privilege of knowledge along with his professors. I shall not dabble in methods of teaching or administration-experts in that field are the natural custodians-my plea is only as regards the necessity for a re-examination.


While the functions assigned to universities are mostly of the same type, the Annamalai University, by its structure and spirit, has got a special function of its own. The great founder’s nobility and generosity has made this institution gain the esteem of eminent men here and elsewhere; but if we analyze the thought and motive force of Rajah Sir Annamalai Chettiar, we will find that he wanted this place to be not only a seat of learning and research of Tamil Culture and Tamil polity. He had the foresight to realize that Tamilians were going to cultivate their special talents and that was exactly why he started and made a success of the Tamil Isai Movement. Rajah Sir was never a man of tall talk-he believed in solid work and he knew the time was bound to come for us to delve deep into our annals and literature, culture and civilization and succeed in getting due and adequate recognition in the world forum.


Truly great has been our achievement in the field of literature. To be able to announce to the world that we the Tamilians do possess and to present to the world the great Tirukkural which is a Code of Conduct for the entire humanity are something about which we can have pardonable pride and pleasure.


And yet, are we devoting enough attention to these Tamil Classics? Addressing the Convocation here in 1943, the late lamented Sir R.K. Shanmukham Chetty had the following to say:-


“I graduated with a complete ignorance of Tamil Culture and History: in fact with a great deal of contempt for these. I attained a fair degree of proficiency in English literature and the history of European culture. I acquired some knowledge of even Anglo- Saxon and Gothic. I read the translation of the Bible in the Gothic language , but I had not read the Kural of Valluvar. I could understand Chaucer, but the name of Ilango was nothing but a name. Even after leaving College, I kept alive my interest in these studies and built up a Library in which there was not a single Tamil book.


In my early youth when I lived in a world of my own with no sense of responsibility, all this made no difference to me and I was proud of my learning. Soon when manhood came with its cares and problems, I found myself a stranger in my own home…….Gradually I began to realize the incongruity of my scheme of life and for some time now I have been endeavoring to rectify the balance. It was only a few years ago that I seriously attempted to study some of the Tamil Classics. I find that they are fit to rank among the immortal works of the world. I now bitterly regret my neglect of the treasures of my own land.”


It was not an apologia, but the expression of a new determination and Sir R.K.Shanmukaham lived to establish the truth that he had mastered not only the Tamil language but Tamil literature as well. Had he lived for some more years, he would traveled many a land carrying the message of the Tamil Classics, which spoke at such a hoary past about thoughts now placed before the world as blossoms of the modern age.


You, graduates of the Annamalai University, have got undertake the special task of carrying the message that our classics contain to the entire world and declare that what was the most ancient here is what is being introduced to-day as the most modern.


South India is the home of the most ancient culture Though for a fairly long period there was the mist of ignorance, thick and widespread, it has now been acknowledge by all that Dravidian Civilization of a highly developed character can be traced back to the second and third millennia before Christ. Many a Foreign scholar has borne testimony to the perfection with which Tamil language has been developed into an instrument of precise and subtle thought and to the beauty and richness of the literature – which is contained in it. Dravidian literature, philosophy, art and architecture offer therefore a rich and fruitful field for exploration and critical investigation.


Not for more glorification but for a just appreciation of all that is of real value and beauty in our past heritage. We need this research and investigation.


I do not propose to talk about your responsibility in the political arena. Suffice it to say that you should make democracy safe and sound, salubrious and fruitful.


Carry the message that this Universities has given to you wherever you go, whatever the station you find yourselves in and elevate the common man- the average man-


“He seems incredible but represents two –thirds of mankind. He lives in hut. He cannot read or write. His energy is sapped by disease. He labours up to 15hours a day. He works on land he does not own. He and his family are family are usually hungry. He will die young. But he still has hopes for his children; that they will be strong and healthy; will be able to read and write, will know individual freedom in a peaceful world. This is the world’s average Man.


And the world over, this average Man has become conscious of the injustice done to him and as a consequence we find agitations and marches, struggles and clashes. In many a country, measures to raise his level have been undertaken. Take a pledge, here and now, that we will not lag behind and leave our average man in the lurch. For if the base is weak, the dome is doomed. Inheritors as you are of a noble heritage, you are eminently fitted for this noble task, and on its success depends the future of this nation as of others.


Let us remember what Woodrow Wilson said,


“Nations are renewed from the bottom not from the top . . . real wisdom of human life is compounded out of the experiences of ordinary men. The utility, the vitality, the fruitage of life comes like the natural growth of a great tree, from the soil, up through the trunk into the branches to the foliage and the fruit. The great struggling unknown masses of the men who are not the base of everything are the dynamic force that is lifting the level of society. A nation is as great and only as great as her rank and file.”

May I submit my plea to you, youths blossoming forth from this institution, be firm but not obstinate, let here be a blending of ideas, but never cheap imitation and injurious adulteration, beware of mistaking obsessions for principles and fads for facts, strike at a synthesis and avoid subservience, view as the final on to protest against injustice but project not your own view as the final one, forget not the ancient saying.


University education gives you the basic needs for this stupendous task, but that is not enough. Say along


I read, I study

I examine, I listen

I reflect, and out of

All this, I try to form

An idea in which I can put as

Much of commonsense

As I can.


And remember the longest journey is the journey inward, and since graduation is but the starting point of that journey, I wish you success-reach the goal yourselves-teach others to march towards the goal and let that goal be,


A world without the

beggar’s out-stretched

palm, the miser’s

heartless, stony stare,

the piteous wail of

want, the pallid face

of crime, the

livid lips of lies,

the cruel eyes

of scorn,

A race without

disease of flesh or

brain, shapely and

fair, the married

harmony of form and


life lengthens, fear

dies, joy deepens,

love intensifies, and

Man regains his



And to get these things realized, let us one and all strive towards the ideal enunciated by Thiruvalluvar,


“cWgáí« Xth¥ ãÂí« brWgifí«

nruh âaštJ ehL”


I am confident that you are being sent into the wide world by the Annamalai University with this objective-you are bound to win, for you are adequately equipped with the spirit supplied by this great institution. May your life be a bright one, and may its luster brighten the entire land! Accept my congratulations and march onwards, towards the land of smiles.


[Annamalai University Convocation Address of Tamilnadu Chief Minister C.N.Annadurai on 18.11.1967]




Posted by dravidaperavai at 6:15 PM
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August 29, 2008
Topic: Tamil History





Tamils had scaled greater heights in ancient times, and their mathematical skills wherein one out of eight lakh fractions was the least small quantity up to which they could calculate without a calculator or computer. The theorem of Pythagoras could be spelt out in poetic form in Tamil much before his times. Erambam, Kanakathigaram by Kakkai Padiniyar, Kilaralabham, Athisaram, Kalambaham,Tiribuvana Thilagam, Kanitha rathinam,Sirukanakku were the books which I refered says Kaari Nayanar who wrote Kanakathigaram, But all these books Tamils have lost.


“ Underworld : The Mysterious origins of Civilizations” Nandhivarman urged Tamil scholars to read English books on civilizations to know more and substantiate about the facts relating to the Kumari Kandam, lost in Indian Ocean. Mr.Graham Hancock, the author of this book relying heavily on the inundation maps by Dr.Gelen Milne of Durham University had said 5 percent of the Earth’s surface or 25 million square kilometers were submerged. Three super floods in between 15000 to 14000 thousand years, 12000 to 11000 thousand years, and 8000 to 7000 thousand years have swallowed earth’s surface, more particularly the Kumari Kandam. Researches into the lost civilizations so far had been on earth surface and land-centric and in the vast oceans marine archaeology had barely begun to investigate.


So until scientific researches in marine archeology are undertaken it would be difficult to supplement literary evidences about hoary past. All earth’s continents and land mass had been once upon a time one, and called Pangaea, which in Latin means All Earth. Similarly all languages emanated from one language and a school for Nostratic languages subscribes to this theory. There is book on all writing systems. All these lead to the conclusion that mankind is one, and we had our origins in Africa and spread every where. But our link is lost in the seas. It will take long time to reconstruct Tamil’s past but with available evidences, we will have to start.


Ancient Tamils were highly knowledgeable and had high living standards in ancient times but at same Tamils proved that from mathematics to medicine everything could be condensed within Tamil poetry and grammatical rules. But today though Tamils earn more they remain arivu koolies to the multi nationals and they had forgotten Tamil. Hence ancient times were golden times.


Tamils had slept in midway thereby lost chances to win the race and prove they are the top in human civilization. This loss aggravates further when Tamil rulers with all there power in Center could not secure Tamil its due place.


UNESCO from 1999 onwards is celebrating World Mother Tongues Day every year on February 21. It is in remembrance of the Basha Andolan Dibosh, which means Language Struggle of 1950-52 in East Pakistan currently known as Bangladesh. Then Pakistan Government imposed Urdu as sole official language of Pakistan. East Pakistan had Bengali speakers. So in protest against this order Dhaka University Students and Medical College students staged a protest demonstration. In Police firing 5 people lost their lives on 21 st Feb 1952. The struggle won Bengali equal status with Urdu. To honour the memory of those martyrs UNESCO had chosen Feb 21 as World Mother Languages Day.

We all know the Anti-Hindi Agitation and the numerous lives we lost including self immolation. All that history was not placed before UNESCO with documentary evidences to prove that Tamil struggle is of greater magnitude. This failure of those who ruled Tamilnadu and Tamil Ministers in Union Cabinet had deprived a chance where world history could have spoken about our struggle by celebrating as World Mother Languages Day. Amidst such failures, selfishness of present Tamils not to think about Tamil language we have to bank upon our past to regain the lost spirit of being pioneers in world civilizations.


 Dravida Peravai General Secretary Nandhivarman



Posted by dravidaperavai at 5:31 PM
Updated: August 29, 2008 5:35 PM
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August 19, 2008

Topic: Afghanistan

Worsening Crisis in Afghanistan Requires Increased Support for Millions of Refugees and Returnees
New Field Report Warns that Billions of Dollars of U.S. Funding Not Reaching Vulnerable Afghan Refugees in Need

Download a .pdf of this entire report.

Washington, DC - The United States must reallocate funding towards programs that support millions of Afghan refugees and returnees, a field report by Refugees International urged today. The new report, Afghanistan: Invest in People, describes millions of Afghans who are returning to an unstable country and struggling to access housing, jobs, medical care and education. In addition, a government scheme to provide plots of land to returning Afghans was implemented with little planning for basic services such as water, schools and health clinics. Authors also met with refugees who have been pressured to repatriate from Pakistan, including from camps closed by force.

"A stable Afghanistan is tied to the safety and well-being of refugees returning home," said Kristele Younes, Senior Advocate for Refugees International. "Despite billions of dollars in international aid, the needs of these people are not being met. If the U.S. is serious about success in Afghanistan, there should be a great deal more focus on community-based projects that help returning refugees find sustainable homes and earn an income."

Afghanistan: Invest in People is based on findings from Refugees International's June mission to Afghanistan and Pakistan. Over 5 million Afghans have returned home since the fall of the Taliban in 2002, the largest refugee return process in the UN refugee agency's history, while nearly 3 million refugees remain in exile. Despite the magnitude of need, the report notes that the U.S. State Department's refugee bureau only has $50 million a year to help Afghans returning home and those who remain in Pakistan and Iran. In contrast, the U.S. military spends almost $100 million each day in the country. Billions of dollars in additional funding for Afghanistan focus on long-term development projects that do not address the needs of returning Afghans.

The report also calls for a renewed effort to assist refugees in Pakistan, who fear being forced to leave. Most Afghan refugee families have lived in Pakistan for close to three decades, and half the population was born and raised in Pakistan. As a result, many have little to return to in Afghanistan.

"Repatriating people back to a country that is no longer their home and cannot absorb them creates more obstacles to progress," said Patrick Duplat, Advocate for Refugees International. "Instead, the U.S. should inject resources to help refugees further integrate in Pakistan. This would not only help Afghans, but also promotes the development of key Pakistani sectors and services."

In 2007, the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) provided registration cards for all previously unregistered refugees. These registrations will expire in December of 2009, leaving refugees with an uncertain future. The Pakistani government's official position is that all Afghans should return home when their cards expire. This is creating severe anxiety among the population, and Refugees International is calling on the U.S. and the UN to ensure that any returns from Pakistan are voluntary.

Refugees International is a Washington, DC-based organization that advocates to end refugee crises. Read our most recent recommendations at:


Download a .pdf of this entire report.


Posted by dravidaperavai at 9:26 AM
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August 17, 2008
Topic: Anna Centenary



3 rd Febraury 1969: The entire population of Tamilnadu literally seems to be present in Chennai. The demise of Anna brought sea of humanity to the sands of marina beach. To have a last glimpse of the leader every Tamil came perched on the roof tops of over crowded trains, buses and all modes of transport, including by foot. The Madras bound Janet Express was full beyond its capacity and people were in its roof unfortunately when the train crossed the Coleroon Bridge in between Coleroon and Chidambaram stations. Alas! 28 persons were crushed to death and 70 injured in that train where Anna's brothers traveled to have the last minute glimpse of his body. It was a matter of single minded devotion to reach Rajaji Hall where Anna's body was kept for public view that drove every Tamilian. Loss of even lives did not deter them from their determination. The entire police summoned to control crowds could not perform and they resorted to burst tear gas shells several times. I was there in the stampede running to the underground passage of Anna Salai to escape tear gas with burning eyes full of tears already for having lost my mentor.


The Guinness book of Records says " that the funeral of Anna was attended by the largest number of people in the world " Panruti S.Ramachandran in his preface to the book "Anna Speaks- at the Rajya Sabha 1962-66" writes ' The century had witnessed only 3 funerals comparable to anywhere like that of Anna's. The first one was that of Lokmanya Bal Gangadhara Tilak at Bombay in 1920, the second was that of Mahatma Gandhi in Delhi in 1948 and the third was that of Jawaharlal Nehru in Delhi in 1964". He also writes ' another striking feature of the entire funeral procession was the predominance of ordinary people like sweepers, scavengers, slum dwellers and hut dwellers'. In that see of humanity I braved my way where the pit to bury Anna was dug and took handful of that sand which for two decades I preserved till my family members threw it away without knowing its sentimental value. I took the oath not to eat fish for a year to mourn Anna's demise. I was so fond of fish that I cannot remain without eating it. Apart from my personal feelings which by sheer luck I am recording here, millions felt their lives have lost its meaning in a land without Anna. But for Anna, our motherland would not have been named as Tamil Nadu.


The struggle for naming of Tamil Nadu is yet to be written as separate book. Let me reproduce few lines “Tamil Nadu was once named after its capital city, Madras.The situation was a complicated one. Even Congressmen spoke of Tamil Nadu within the state, reserving Madras State for letters and speeches meant for external consumption. To appease the Tamil people they even changed the name of Aranmore Palace in Ooty to Tamizhagam. But they were not willing to set right this anomaly by making a Constitutional amendment. It was Thiru.Bhupesh Gupta of the Communist party who took the initiative in 1961 by introducing a private members bill to amend the first schedule entry number 7 of the Constitution. The purpose of the Bill was to call the Madras State by its rightful name Tamil Nadu in conformity with the historical, linguistic and cultural considerations. Anna's impassionate defense of this bill will be long remembered for its sincere emotion and clear cut reasoning.


The adamant Center refused to yield and opposed the private member's motion to call "Madras State" by its rightful name Tamil Nadu. With its majority the Congress party defeated the Bill, but the change could not be resisted for long. Four years later in 1967 when the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam was elected to power in Madras State, Anna as Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu achieved his objective with unanimous backing of both Houses of the State legislature. Today there is no Madras State, only Tamil Nadu" Panruti Ramachandran's note in the book mentions.


But we must also remember Sangaralinganaar who fasted to death for this cause in spite of being a Congressman."Thamizh Naadu" should not be misspelt as Tamil Nadu. Is it not our duty to set this right, while saluting all who gave up their lives for the cause of Tamil Nadu.On my 61st birth day I appeal to Tamilnadu Government that it is not mere celebrations people expect from Anna's disciples.All the books of Anna must be brought out in all Indian languages like the honour Maharastra Government gave for Babasaheb Dr.B.R.Ambedkar, instead of statues galore.


N.Nandhivarman General Secretary Dravida Peravai


Posted by dravidaperavai at 11:14 PM
Updated: August 17, 2008 11:24 PM
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August 16, 2008
Auroville Myth



We want the Government of India to withdraw the approval given to the Auroville Universal Township Master Plan by the Ministry of Human Resources Development vide letter dated No: F 27-3/2000 UU dated 12th April 2001. The people’s revolt in Nandhigram of West Bengal over setting up of an industry acquiring lands indicates that even if employment opportunities knock their doors, people are not willing to barter their traditional right over their soil. The Amarnath land row is a head ache for our nation. In both cases after things went beyond control, Government of India is now frantically searching for a panacea.  The Master Plan [Perspective 2025] brought out by Auroville Foundation and Town and Country Planning Organization, Government of India Ministry of Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation, needs intensive scrutiny before agitations erupt.


1. The publication under the heading :


Says :  In 1954 [ coinciding with the end of French colonial rule in Puducherry] The Mother had envisioned that “ There should be somewhere upon Earth a place no nation could claim as its sole property, a place where all human beings of goodwill, sincere in their aspiration, could live freely as citizens of the world, obeying one single authority, that of Supreme Truth, a place of peace, concord, harmony where all the fighting instincts of man would be used exclusively to conquer the causes of his suffering and misery, to surmount his weakness and ignorance, to triumph over his limitations and incapacities, a place where the needs of the spirit and the care for the progress would get precedence over the satisfaction of desires and passions, the seeking for pleasures and material enjoyments.”


Dravida Peravai comments: The Honorable French Lady Mirra Alfasa during the French colonial time would have easily set up such a Utopian City in the French colony of Pondicherry. Why this vision did not appear to her at that time? All these experiments she could have carried within Pondicherry with French Government support. Further she could have made Aurobindo Ashram as laboratory where all fighting instincts of man could be conquered? If she had succeeded within Aurobindo Ashram, she could have argued we have succeeded here and this experiment we want to carry on wider scale, hence we need a township. I can quote her from her own words recorded in cassettes in French and brought out in 6000 pages of Mother’s Agenda in English. Did she say that when her eyesight became dim, all around her are cheating her? She had said. When she was in her old age, she had cited many examples on how people around her betrayed her? A Goddess in her lifetime cannot even reform her followers, wants Government of India to sanction a Universal Township, where “over the satisfaction of desires and passions, the seeking of pleasures and material enjoyments, need of spirit will take precedence. In Puducherry people throng due to the need of liquor based on rectified spirit, and her vision, mission and ashram had not lifted Pondicherry from the bane of alcoholism. Her own comments in 13th volume of Mother’s Agenda that if I build hospital for people’s benefit, illicit children are being delivered there, proves the Poet Bharathidasan’s poetic attack in his epic Kudumba Villakku on the immorality prevailing there to be truth. When she cannot succeed in creating a new species in the ashram, what need arises for a Universal Township. Unless it is for creating a neo-colony nearby with French leaving their original colony Puducherry, there is no need for a universal township to import people from abroad. British, French and Portuguese colonialism ended, and Indian people were happy. Why should we import people from various countries unless it is for creating a neo-colony? If the noble goals of Auroville are for humanity, Indians too are part of humanity, not all are atheists like me, and most are spiritual guided by various saints and gurus over centuries. Are these people unfit to become supermen and women? The Mother left a will in cassette and writing on how Ashram should function after her, and the ninety year old Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya, Director of Physical Education of Aurobindo Ashram in his words had said that after mourning period they will listen to that cassette and run the Aurobindo Ashram according to her directives. Till date where that cassette had vanished is mystery, and years back investigative Tamil journal Nakkeeran had exposed this mystery. Our question is if the sadaks trained by Thiru.Aurobindo Ghosh and Ms.Mirra Alfasa failed to run an ashram as per her last will, how can Government of India expect a Universal Township will be run in accordance with her dreams.


2. The Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, is a ministry under a cabinet elected by the people of India. It should be impartial. It must plan for the development of all urban cities in India, and not shower its grace to only one Universal Township. Does the Government thinks all Indian cities should stink and Indian people breathe polluted air, while a town of 1619 foreigners including 472 supporters of those foreigners, should have a green belt evacuating Tamil villages either forcibly or cunningly purchasing the lands to ease the locals out of their soil. The Government of India is representative of Indian people. It must think of Master Plans that will beautify all Indian cities, and not show undue partiality to support only one township comprising people who will not vote in Indian elections, who are not tax payers but are people to avail concessions in the name of so many activities, which thousands on non-governmental organizations in India are already pursuing. Puducherry is on the verge of loosing all cultivable lands. In future the Union Territory is not going to produce even a bagful of food grains. All lands are becoming concrete jungles. Same is the case of Chennai and most cities in India. The Government of India wants Indian citizens to live in congested concrete jungles, but it wants a green jungle belt to shield a town of special species from pollution. It is shameful and ridiculous.


3. The Ministry which has Poverty Alleviation in its title must visit the Tamil villages where the Auroville Universal Township will come up, and see the poverty in which neck deep these Tamils have sunk with no one to redeem. There is nothing to do with poverty alleviation, and it is whimsical to sanction a township that never will work for poverty alleviation.


Auroville belongs to nobody in particular, by these words Tamils are kept away, saying “to live in Auroville one must be a willing servitor of Divine Consciousness” The imported foreigners only are willing servitor to Divine Consciousness, and Secretary of Auroville Foundation had to just rubber stamp that certificate issued by the residents assembly comprising the foreigners with more than two thirds majority. The words of their Mother that there has to be a place that no nation could claim its property, clearly indicates, that like Vatican, they want city state status, keeping all sovereign countries out of reach. For this only fools in Indian Government could nod like the Sultans and Maharaja’s of past who extended red carpet welcome to East India Company and French India Company.


N.Nandhivarman. General Secretary Dravida Peravai


Posted by dravidaperavai at 10:11 AM
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August 12, 2008
Aurobindo ASHRAM and CNN-IBN
Topic: People's Issues

 Stoppage of Aurobindo Ashram News : Will CNN-IBN explain?


In January 2007 the television channel CNN-IBN sent a reporter Neeti Tandon from Delhi to investigate the corruption, sexual abuse allegations and other misdeeds. Along with her the chief of investigation team Mr. V.K. Shashi Kumar and his team including the camera man came to Pondicherry from Delhi. The investigation team that came to Pondicherry stayed in “Du Parc Hotel” in Nehru Street close to Governor’s bunglow. They told the management of Ashram that they are shooting a documentary to propagate the fame of the Ashram on behalf of a foreign television channel. For more than a year they recorded many happenings within the Ashram even through hidden cameras. In this secret investigation the land-grabbing that took place in the Aurobindo Ashram, sexual harassment, mysterious deaths and details of frauds have been compiled. They recorded the interview of the prominent personalities of Aurobindo Ashram secretly. A year had passed and on confirming the various charges submitted to the television channel, the management of the channel, through email, asked the explanation of the Ashram trustees for 25 questions. To this it was told in the email reply that usually the Ashram trustees won’t reply and on behalf of the management Saumya Bableshwar told he was ready to reply.


Meantime, another woman journalist, Kavita Sharma, sent by the television channel, recorded in her camera the interview of the Sub-Collector Mr. Vijay Kumar Bidhuri, who was officially enquiring into the sexual harassment complaints given by various women. After recording the complete evidences against the Ashram the television channel decided to telecast on March 15TH night at 9.30 p.m. in the programme titled ‘30 Minutes’ as a special programme. The repeat show was scheduled on March 16TH, Sunday at 5.30 p.m. and for this CNN-IBN publicised the promos.


After finalising the telecast programme Kavita Sharma came to Pondicherry on the Darshan day of February 21ST to give links and her talk at the gate of the Aurobindo Ashram, was shot in the camera (this is shown separately).


At this time on the day of the telecast March 15TH till evening 5 o’clock in CNN-IBN Channel the promos were telecast. Suddenly, without assigning any reason, the television channel stopped the programme that should have been telecast by 9.30 that night. The lady journalist Kavita Sharma, who unmasked the Aurobindo Ashram and exposed to the outside world, resigned her post and joined another television channel. It is reliably learnt that the investigative wing’s news editor has also tendered his resignation to the management and joined another television channel.


Similarly in 2003 Debapriya Ghosh came to Pondicherry on behalf of ‘The Week’ journal to investigate and in the last minute the journal underwent a heart change and the news that should have appeared in April did not appear which is also past history.


What happened behind the curtains? It is only known to the television channel and Aurobindo Ashram. The popular Indian television CNN-IBN must tell the truth to the public.


Story on: CNNIBN Appeared in  Tamil Weekly “Makkal Manasakshi” on 28.05.2008


Posted by dravidaperavai at 10:42 AM
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August 10, 2008
Topic: Tamil History


N.Nandhivarman General Secretary Dravida Peravai

Dravida Peravai, a political party which wants to set an example what a political party of Tamils ought to do had decided to launch a website for publishing all information about Tamil history in one resource bank which will encompass the history of Tamil spread across continents inclusive of Tamil Eelam. Though we will be coordinating this effort we appeal to scholars all over the world to come forward with research based articles to establish our past to evaluate our present and to set the agenda for future.

The necessity to launch a history website arose when I read the book “ Kadaikazhaga Noolhalin Kaalamum Karuthum {Period and Message of Sangam Literature 500 B.C to 500 A.D] written by Dr.R.Mathivanan Former Director of Tamil Etymological Dictionary Project of Government of Tamilnadu. In the preface to the book the learned scholar says, “Japanese have preserved their past history spanning to 2440 years, whereas Egyptians and Sumerians recall with pride their 4000 years of history. The 3000-year-old history of Chinese gives them a unique place. But Tamils with 10000 year of history have not brought it to the world arena.

In Chicago Museum a portrait depicting a Tamil climbing a Palmyra tree mentioning him as Tamil came to the notice of Aringnar Anna that was taken up with the authorities. Instead of many cultural achievements of Tamils this portrait showed Tamil in derogative manner, and on protest the portrait was not removed but the word Tamil in the portrait was deleted. Lamenting about lack of a Museum to depict Tamil Culture, the scholar says that he had relied upon the travelogues of foreigners, literary evidences thrown to light in other languages, recent archaeological findings and the findings of historians who have so far dealt with the History of Tamils. His book would be a compilation of all these evidences in a nutshell, he claims. In Rasatarangini the author Kallanar had brought to light the History of Kashmir from 1800 B.C to 1200 A.D. Like this literary evidence which helped to construct the History of Kashmir, in Tamil the book Nankudi Velir Varalaru comprising 1035 poems and written by Arumuga Nayinar Pillai, which was published in 1920 throws light on the Tamil history, the learned author claims. This book speaks about the family hierarchy of Irungovel, a branch of the Pandyan rulers for 201 generations. This book follows the Kali calendar and narrates the history from 3100 B.C to 1944, hence helps in fixing the date of various rulers and their rule, the author says.

Pandyan dynasty.

Pandyan Palsalai Muthukudumi Peruvazhuthi[ 66th generation]500-450 B.C

Karungai Ollvat Perum Peyar vazhuthi[67th generation]450 B.C to 400 B.C

Porval Vazhuthi[68th generation]400 B.C to 380.B.C

Korkai Vazhuthi-Nartrer Vazhuthi[69th generation]380B.C-340 B.C

Deva Pandian[70th generation] 340 B.C-302 B.C

Seya Punjan aliasKadalul maintha Ilamperuvazhuthi[71st]302B.C-270.B.C

Pasum Poon Pandyan[72nd generation]270.B.C –245.B.C

Ollaiyur thantha Boothapandian[73rd generation]245 B.C-220 B.C

Pandyan Nanmaran[74th generation]220 B.C-200 B.C

Nedunchezhian alias Kadalan vazhithi[75th generation]200B.C-180 B.C

Marungai Vazhuthi[76th generation] 180 B.C-160 B.C

Pandyan Uthaman alias Puliman vazhuthi[77th ]160B.C-150 B.C

Pandyan Keeran Sathan[78th generation]150 B.C-140 B.C

Kaliman Vazhuthi alias Andar magan Kuruvazhuthi[79th ]140-120 B.C

Pandyan Yenathi @Nedunkannan [80th ]120 B.C-100 B.C

Korkai Vazhuthi@ Irandam Pasum Poon Pandyan[81st ]100-87 B.C

Deva Pootanan@ Ilavanthikai palli tunjiya Nanmaran[82nd ]87-62 B.C

Thalayanankanathu Cheru Vendra Nedunchezhian[83rd ]62-42 B.C

Kanapereyil kadantha Ukkira Peruvazhuthi[84th ]42 B.C-1 A.D

Pandyan Arivudainambi {Purananooru 184][85th ]A.D 1- 30 A.D

Velliyambalathu tunjiya PeruVazhuthi[86th ]30 A.D-60 A.D

Ariyapadai Kadantha Nedunchezhian [87th ]60 A.D-117 A.D

Vetriver Chezhian [88th generation] 117 A.D-160 A.D.

Nedunchezhian II [89th generation]160 A.D –198 A.D

Ukkira Maran@ Chitramadathu tunjiya Nanmaran[90th ]198 A.D-220 A.D

Pannadu thantha Maran Vazhuthi[91st ] 220A.D-250 A.D

Koddakarathu tunjiya Maranvazhuthi[92nd ]250 A.D-270 A.D

Thennavan Ko [93rd generation] 270 A.D-297 A.D

Parakirama Bahu @ Nalvazhuthi[ 94th generation 298A.D -310 A.D

Kaliyan Koothan [ 95th generation]……………………………….

Kadalan Vazhuthi [ of Kazhugumalai inscriptions] [96th generation

Porkai Pandyan [98th generation]…………………………………..

Pandyan Kadunkhon [103rd generation] 475 A.D-490 A.D

Ukkira Pandyan [103rd generation] —–498 A.D

Somasundara Pandyan [105th generation] 498 A.D-540 A.D.

113 year Pact between Three Tamil Emperors

The Nandhas who ruled North India had fraternal relationship with Three Tamil Emperors but the Mauryas who followed them invaded South India. Imayavaramban Neduncheralathan marched up to Himalayas and inscribed his country symbol, which could not assimilated by the Mauryas who came to Chera country as act of revenge. But the Mauryan armies did not sneak into Chozha territory. This invasion brought home the need to remain united, the call given even now by Kalaignar M.Karunanithi but with no useful purpose to alter ground reality on Tamil disunity. The unity urge united the Three Tamil Emperors who met to sign a Pact of Cooperation in the year 313 B.C, the author Dr.Mathivanan says. Imayavaramban Neduncheralathan, Karungai Olvat Perumvazhuthi and Deva Pandian [ 70th] jointly signed the declaration of unity that lasted for 113 years. This Treaty of Tamil Unity stood as a rock protecting Tamil lands from Northern invaders.

In the final years of the unity era during 200 B.C, in the Chozha Emperor Karikalan II’s court Poetess Mudathamakanniyar who wrote Porunaratrupadai witnessed the rare scene of Three Tamil Emperors sharing same dais which she records in her Porunaratrupadai [53-55]. Poet Kumattor Kannanar who wrote the second ten in Pathitru Pathu also records the historical meeting of Three Tamil Emperors for which he stands as eyewitness. Later in 42 B.C, Poetess Avvaiyar also had the luck to see Three Tamil Emperors together in a rare scene of Unity among Tamils. That unity did not last nor the lessons of unity learnt till date by Tamils.


1.Vanavan @ Vanavaramban [430-350 B.C]

2.Kuttuvan Uthiyan Cheralathan [350-328 B.C] ruled for 22 years

3. Imayavaramban Neduncheralathan [328-270 B.C] ruled for 58 years

4. Palyaanai Chelkezhu Kuttuvan [270-245 B.C] ruled for 25 years

5. Kalangaikanni narmudicheral [245-220 B.C] ruled for 25 years

6.Perumcheralathan [220-200 B.C] ruled for 20 years

7. Kudakko Neduncheralathan [200-180 B.C] ruled for 20 years

8. Kadal Pirakottiya Velkezhu kuttuvan [180-125 B.C] ruled 55 years

9. Adukotpattuch Cheralathan [125-87 B.C] ruled 38 years

10.Selvak kadungo Vazhiyathan [87-62 B.C] ruled 25 years

11.Yanaikatchei Mantharanj Cheral Irumborai [62-42 B.C] ruled 20 years

12. Thagadoor Erintha Perum Cheral Irumborai [42-25 B.C] ruled 17 years

13. Ilancheral Irumborai [25-19 B.C] ruled 16 years

14. Karuvur Eriya Koperumcheral Irumborai [9-1 B.C]

15. Vanji Mutrathu tunjiya Anthuvancheral [B.C 20 – 10 A.D]

16. Kanaikal Irumborai [20-30 A.D]

17. Palai Padiya Perum kadungko [1-30 A.D]

18. Kokothai Marban [[30 –60 A.D]

19.Cheran Chenguttuvan [60-140 A.D]

20.Kottambalathu tunjiya Maakothai [140-150 A.D]

21.Cheraman mudangi kidantha Nedumcheralathan [150-160 A.D]

22.Cheraman Kanaikkal Irumborai [160-180 A.D]

23. Cheraman Ilamkuttuvan [180-200 A.D]

24.Thambi Kuttuvan [200-220 A.D]

25.Poorikko [220-250 A.D]

26. Cheraman Kuttuvan Kothai [250-270 A.D]

27.Cheraman Vanjan [270-300 A.D]

28. Mantharanj Cheral [330-380 A.D] found in Allahabad inscriptions of Samudragupta.


1.Karikalan I [450-380 B.C]

2. Cheraman Paamaloor erintha Neythalanganal Ilamchetchenni [380-320 B.C]

3.Cherupaazhi erintha Ilamchetchenni [320-270 B.C]

4. Perumpoon chenni [270-245 B.C]

5.Uruva Paikhrer Ilamchetchenni [245-232 B.C]

6. Karikalan II [232-200 B.C]

7. Manakkilli [200-180 B.C]

8. Vel pahradakkai Peruviral Killi [180-160 B.C]

9.Pooravaikopp Perunarkkilli [160-125 B.C]

10. Mudithalai Koperunarkkilli [125-87 B.C]

11.Koperum Chozhan [87-62 B.C]

12. Otrumai Vetta Perunarkkilli [62-40 B.C]

13. Chetchenni Nalankilli @ Maavalathan [40-22 B.C]

14.Kulamutrathu tunjiya Killivalavan [B.C22 - 1 A.D]

15.Kurapalli tunjiya Perum Thirumavalavan [1-40 A.D]

16.Neythalankanal Ilamchetchenni [40-60 A.D]

17. Karikalan III [60-110 A.D]

18. Maavan Killi [110-130 A.D]

19. Nedumudikkilli [130-150 A.D]

20.Chenganan [150-180 A.D]

21. Isai Ve ngilli 180-210 A.D]

22.Kaivankilli [210-240 A.D]

23. Polampoonkilli [240-260 A.D]

24. Kadumankilli [260-285 A.D]

25. Nalladi [285-330 A.D] known by Agananooru 356th poem

26.Chozha Rule in Andhra [300-400 A.D]

Dr.Mathivanan had undertaken a thankless job. We would urge Tamils all over the world to buy the book “ Kadaikkazha Noolhalin Kaalamum Karuthum published by Thilagam Pathipagam 17 E, B-1, 12. K.K.Ponnurangam Salai, Omsakthinagar, Valasaravakkam, Chennai 600087 Tel:044-24861007 or contact the author at: Cell: 9283217788.

Basing the Tamil epic Perumkathai, a historical note is hidden in the poem414 of Narkudi Vellalar Varalaru. It says in B.C 701 a Tamil King Udayanan defeated the Aryans and ruled North India. If he had continued to rule or if he had not succumbed to the submissive Aryan pretenders, The Gupta rule could not have come up, the appendix of the book states. Well our scholars will fight like street dogs for centuries instead of fixing the period of Tamil epics or Tamil Kings. It is within the genes of Tamils not to accept another Tamil as scholar. If a white skinned scholar tells all will fall in line. This mentality must go. Nothing wrong in debating but not debating beyond centuries. In 1921 Maraimalai Adigal established that Tamils must follow Thiruvalluvar Calendar alone. But we still follow the Sanskritized Tamil Calendar. This is a curse on Tamils.Let dogs bark but the sun will rise. Let us hail the new dawn of Tamil unity. Let us join hands to reconstruct Tamil history.


Posted by dravidaperavai at 2:51 PM
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August 8, 2008




The Chinese through successful treaties with Bangladesh, Burma, Srilanka, Maldives and Pakistan are building harbours in all these countries on Build-Operate-Transfer basis. India failed to awaken to the gravity of India’s encirclement by China, with hidden agenda to control the sea lanes of Indian Ocean, till nuclear submarine issue ultimately had forced India to have a rethink on its regional neighbours. The bartering of Katcha Theevu during emergency so far remained a fishing rights issue only. Hereafter it becomes a spot where Chinese submarine can reach.


There is an urgent need to sue Srilankan Government in the International Court of Justice for compensation to 980 Indian fishermen killed in the International waters, as well as retrieval of the Katcha Theevu. It is will be appropriate to recall the words of our Present Prime Minister in the Parliament on 23 rd July 1974 (cols 186-201), when the then External Affairs Minister Swaran Singh made a statement on the Re Agreement between India and Srilanka on the boundary in the historical waters between the two countries and related matters.


Hon'ble Atal Bihari Vajpayee who strongly condemned the bartering away of Katcha Theevu, had said that the old mythological name for Katcha Theevu is VALI DEEP, the island where legendary Rama fought a mythological Vali. Dravida Peravai now reminds the Government headed by the same Atal Bihari Vajpayee to fulfill what he had once demanded while he was in opposition; namely retrieval of the Katcha Theevu islands from the Srilankan government. The lives of 980 of our fishermen is lost due to this agreement imposed during the darkest days of emergency and it is time that we scrap this agreement or take it to the International Court of Justice to get due compensation for our fishermen.


There has been precedents in international inter country matters where issues have been taken to the International Court of Justice.1). In the English Channel there is a rocked island known as Minquires-Enrou. They are far way from the British coast and were closer to the French coast. Since it was near its international waters France staked the claim over that island. Britain showed the documents in its possession and the basis of the documents in 1953 the International Court of Justice decided that this island belongs to Britain. As in this case the documentary proof will be in our favour and we will retrieve Katcha Theevu, is we approach the Court.2) An island Clipporton which was closer to Mexican coast actually belonged to France, and since it was far away from French soil no one visited there and hence Mexico claimed right over these islands. But the International Court of Justice decided in the favour of France.


3). Near Philipines an island Palmus Mianjus was in the possession of Spain. Spain one fine morning handed over that island to America. But Netherlands had rights over that island much before Spain had, and in view of this when this matter came before the Court, the Court decided in favour of Netherlands.


These are past precedents. We have recent judgments too wherein decisions by International Court of Justice had been impartial and in the interests of natural justice. Let me quote about a recent judgment in 2002.


 The International Court of Justice, principal judicial organ of the United Nations, has today given (17.11.2002) Judgment in the case concerning sovereignty over Pulau Ligitan and Pulau Sipadan (Indonesia/Malaysia). In its Judgment, which is final, without appeal and binding for the Parties, the Court finds, by 16 votes to 1 that "sovereignty over Pulau Ligitan and Pulau Sipadan belongs to Malaysia".  Ligitan and Sipadan are two very small islands located in the Celebes Sea, off the northeast coast of the island of Borneo.


Reasoning of Court: The Court begins by recalling the complex historical background of the dispute between the Parties.  It then examines the titles invoked by them.  Indonesia's claim to sovereignty over the islands is based primarily on a conventional title, the 1891 Convention between Great Britain and the Netherlands. Indonesia, thus, maintains that that Convention established the 4° 10' north parallel of latitude as the dividing line between the British and Dutch possessions in the area where Ligitan and Sipadan are situated.  As the disputed islands lie to the south of that parallel, "[I] t therefore follows that under the Convention title to those islands vested in the Netherlands, and now vests in Indonesia".  Malaysia, for its part, asserts that the 1891 Convention, when seen as a whole, clearly shows that Great Britain and the Netherlands sought by the Convention solely to clarify the boundary between their respective land possessions on the islands of Borneo and Sebatik, since the line of delimitation stops at the easternmost point of the latter island.  After examining the 1891 Convention, the Court finds that the Convention, when read in context and in the light of its object and purpose, cannot be interpreted as establishing an allocation line determining sovereignty over the islands out to sea, to the east of the island of Sebatik, and as a result the Convention does not constitute a title on which Indonesia can found its claim to Ligitan and Sipadan.  The Court states that this conclusion is confirmed both by the travaux préparatoires and by the subsequent conduct of the parties to the Convention.  The Court further considers that the cartographic material submitted by the Parties in the case does not contradict that conclusion.


Having rejected this argument by Indonesia, the Court turns to consideration of the other titles on which Indonesia and Malaysia claim to found their sovereignty over the islands of Ligitan and Sipadan.  The Court determines whether Indonesia or Malaysia obtained a title to the islands by succession.  The Court begins in this connection by observing that, while the Parties both maintain that the islands of Ligitan and Sipadan were not terrae nullius during the period in question in the present case, they do so on the basis of diametrically opposed reasoning, each of them claiming to hold title to those islands.  The Court does not accept Indonesia's contention that it retained title to the islands as successor to the Netherlands, which allegedly acquired it through contracts concluded with the Sultan of Bulungan, the original title-holder.  Nor does the Court accept Malaysia's contention that it acquired sovereignty over the islands of Ligitan and Sipadan further to a series of alleged transfers of the title originally held by the former sovereign, the Sultan of Sulu, that title having allegedly passed in turn to Spain, the United States, Great Britain on behalf of the State of North Borneo, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and finally to Malaysia.


Having found that neither of the Parties has a treaty-based title to Ligitan and Sipadan, the Court next considers the question whether Indonesia or Malaysia could hold title to the disputed islands by virtue of the effectivités cited by them.  In this regard, the Court determines whether the Parties' claims to sovereignty are based on activities evidencing an actual, continued exercise of authority over the islands, i.e., the intention and will to act as sovereign. Indonesia cites in this regard a continuous presence of the Dutch and Indonesian navies in the vicinity of Ligitan and Sipadan.  It adds that Indonesian fishermen have traditionally used the waters around the islands.  In respect of the first of these arguments, it is the opinion of the Court that "it cannot be deduced [from the facts relied upon in the present proceedings] that the naval authorities concerned considered Ligitan and Sipadan and the surrounding waters to be under the sovereignty of the Netherlands or Indonesia".  As for the second argument, the Court considers that "activities by private persons cannot be seen as effectivités if they do not take place on the basis of official regulations or under governmental authority". Having rejected Indonesia's arguments based on its effectivités, the Court turns to consideration of the effectivités relied on by Malaysia.  As evidence of its effective administration of the islands, Malaysia cites inter alia the measures taken by the North Borneo authorities to regulate and control the collecting of turtle eggs on Ligitan and Sipadan, an activity of some economic significance in the area at the time.  It relies on the Turtle Preservation Ordinance of 1917 and maintains that the Ordinance "was applied until the 1950s at least" in the area of the two disputed islands.  It further invokes the fact that the authorities of the colony of North Borneo constructed a lighthouse on Sipadan in 1962 and another on Ligitan in 1963, that those lighthouses exist to this day and that they have been maintained by Malaysian authorities since its independence.  The Court notes that "the activities relied upon by Malaysia ... are modest in number but ... they are diverse in character and include legislative, administrative and quasi-judicial acts.  They cover a considerable period of time and show a pattern revealing an intention to exercise State functions in respect of the two islands in the context of the administration of a wider range of islands".  The Court further states that "at the time when these activities were carried out, neither Indonesia nor its predecessor, the Netherlands, ever expressed its disagreement or protest".


The Court concludes, on the basis of the effectivités referred to above, that "sovereignty over Pulau Ligitan and Pulau Sipadan belongs to Malaysia".


There are many cases, which can be quoted. But the need here is to stress that India must revoke the Katcha Theevu agreement with Srilanka since it was imposed during emergency and take it to the International Court of Justice to establish India’s right over this island. Also As per clause 76 of the International Law of Seas 1982 “ The coastal state shall establish the outer edge of the continental margin wherever the same extends beyond 200 nautical miles from the base lines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured on sub marine ridges. The continental shelf shall not exceed 350 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured.” Inview of this clause there is a necessity to redraw the territorial waters between India and Srilanka. So we have compulsions as per UN obligations to carve out our Exclusive Economic Zone and while such opportunity is at our doorstep we must reopen the Katcha theevu issue with Srilanka and get it back.


The lives of 1000 fishermen is lost because of this agreement to barter Katcha theevu and it is time that we claim compensation from Srilanka for the lives lost apart from staking our rights to regain Katcha Theevu.


N.Nandhivarman General Secretary Dravida Peravai











Posted by dravidaperavai at 9:46 PM
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